3-Ametrine eyes

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Dazai tried not to show the panic on his face as he exited the breakout room where he had the conversation with Rimbaud. The time was 7 am now, nearly 2 hours since Dazai left his hospital after his shift.

As they walked down the corridor, Dazai noticed the familiar morning rush at the hospital‒doctors doing their morning rounds with several residents and interns in tow, nurses flitting in and out of rooms, their footfalls muted and determined. If not for the police authorities still lingering around, Dazai would have believed this to be just another normal day at the hospital.

He looked discreetly at the man walking by his side. Rimbaud was quiet, nodding silent greetings to a few officers along the way, some of them softly talking amongst themselves and giving Dazai wary looks. His gait was steady and elegant, which seemed a bit out of place among the hurried strides of the hospital staff.

"How old is he?" Dazai asked, clearing his throat and wishing that his anxiety was not audible in his tone.

Arthur tilted his head slightly in his direction but didn't stop. "Atsushi told the doctor that he was five, but he sounded unsure, so we verified his birth certificate." He sighed and Dazai could see his shoulders droop a little. "Dazai san......"

He stopped and faced Dazai. His golden eyes bore into chocolate brown ones as he started speaking, "we haven't gauged Atsushi's mental state yet. It's always difficult to tell with children. But now that you will be meeting him for the first time, just remember that he doesn't know about your...." Rimbaud hesitated, "complicated history with his father. So, if anything feels too overwhelming for you or you want to leave, just look at me and nod, okay?"

Dazai stared at Rimbaud for a long time before he could move his mouth to speak. "Y..yes." He cleared his throat, "will I get to meet his father?"

"Not yet. Currently the doctors have advised against visitors for Mr. Shibusawa." Arthur looked at him with gentle eyes, and Dazai could read the sympathy in them. "Hopefully after he heals, and his mental evaluation is complete, you will be able to meet him."

Dazai nodded again. He could live with that.

After their talk, they walked again for a few minutes before taking a turn and reaching the pediatric section of the ER. Dazai saw a physician in light pink scrubs coming towards them. She looked lively, but also pretty sharp. Her ponytail swayed as she walked up to them.

"Rimbaud san, good morning."

"Dr. Hamada, good morning. This," Rimbaud gestured Dazai forward, "is Atsushi's paternal uncle, Mr. Osamu Dazai. He will be taking custody of Atsushi if all goes well."

Dazai shook Dr. Hamada's hand, keeping a calm and professional look on his face as she scrutinized him. He could only imagine how disastrous he looked after a 20-hour shift with no sleep.

At least I showered before I left the hospital, otherwise who knows? The hospital staff might have mistaken me for a homeless person.

"Good morning, Dr. Hamada. I'm glad Atsushi is in such good hands." Dazai let an easy smile on his face, hiding his nervousness at the whole situation, and trying hard not to fixate on any imperfections in his appearance that might make Dr. Hamada's impression of him even worse than what she might have been thinking.

"Thank you Dazai san, I'm just doing my job." she smiled politely at him before turning back to business mode again. "You can speak with Atsushi, and once you are done, please come to my office. There are several things that we need to discuss, especially with his guardian."

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