Chapter 8

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Edward drove his car to the place where the school's prom night was being held, for the time being, he parked near a small bench where he helped Kelly out and sit down telling her to wait until he found a good place to park than he'd return so they could go inside together.

Not long after though Kelly heard the voice of Embry which she turned around to see him with Jacob who asked where Bella was, Kelly told him and the two watched him walk off. Embry expressed that he had gotten a bit worried when he heard that Kelly was in the hospital after taking a rather harsh fall.

"You doing okay?" Embry asked.
"I'm doing a lot better actually," Kelly replies.
"Alright, just wanted to be that friend that checked in know," Embry says.

Kelly smiled and let out a short laugh, things got slightly tense though when Edward arrived back holding a thin like coat in his hands as he wrapped it around her, Embry quickly retreated as he told Kelly he'd see her around which she accepted.

"I leave you alone for two minutes and the wolves descend," Edward tells her.
"Oh hush, he's just checking in on how I'm doing." Kelly laughed.

Edward smiled and wrapped an arm around Kelly's shoulders guiding her with him to the entrance of the building where Noah and Bella had just walked through together after pictures were taken.

"Can't believe you're making me do this." Kelly sighed.
"Just smile." Edward laughed.

After the picture of the two of them was taken the couple walked into the building together, all around them were many students of their school dancing around to the loud music. Even though she was a bit uncomfortable with the number of people around her Kelly continued walking with Edward around as at times she'd see her friends and just smile and wave at them.

When the twins did run into one another they hugged and laughed together for a bit as the four of them spent a short amount of time before Edward noticed that Kelly was growing more and more uncomfortable with so many people around her.

"You wanna go?" Edward asked a bit loud so she could hear.
"Yeah." Kelly nods.
"Take care sis, see you at home!" Bella shouted over the music.
"You too!" Kelly shouted back.

Edward and Kelly walked outside where the music was still loud but easy to hear, they stopped inside a gazebo and when Edward asked her to dance Kelly wasn't sure if he was serious but indeed he was, and since she normally doesn't dance along with the boot on her leg he picked her up so her feet was on his and they began to slow dance together to the slow music around them.

"See your dancing." Edward teased.
"At a prom...not something I'm used to," Kelly replied.

Edward and Kelly remained silent for a moment as they looked into each other's eyes, after a short while though the two couples around them decided to leave and head back inside, for the time being, this gave Edward and Kelly a chance to speak about things that no one around them needed to know.

"Edward, why did you save me? You could've just let the venom spread. I could've been like you right now." Kelly asked.
"You don't know what you're saying, you don't want this," Edward replied.
"I want you. Always." Kelly tells him quickly.
"I'm not going to end your life," Edward said after trying to find the right words.
"I'm already dying as it is. Every second I get closer and closer...older..." Kelly says.
"It's the way it's supposed to be," Edward tells her.
"Suppose to be? So I'm supposed to grow old and leave you behind when I die? How cruel is that?" Kelly says frowning.
"I won't let you throw away your life just because of me," Edward explains.

Kelly remained silent for a moment as she looked around them then back towards Edward, she wasn't going to force him to turn her into a vampire-like him it was just something she expressed she wanted...course Kelly understood Edwards concerns and everything but she feared what the pain of her death would do to him once that day arrived.

"Alice said she saw me like you..." Kelly told him trying to get a better grasp to understand why.
"Her visions change," Edward says.
"Yeah based on what people decide. And I've decided." Kelly tells him.
"What about your sister, Bella?" Edward asked.
"I know deep down she wants to stay with Noah forever just as much as I want to be with you forever," Kelly replies.
"So that's what you two dream about? Becoming monsters?" Edward asked.
"Edward you aren't a monster, monsters destroy things whereas've been so kind and careful around make me feel loved, protected and most of all happy. No one, no guy has ever made me feel such strong emotions for them ever." Kelly says a hand cupping his cheek.

Edward took the moment to gently hold her wrist and nuzzle his face up to that said hand, he placed a short kiss to her palm and looked back towards her, he couldn't read her mind to hear her thoughts but he could tell by the look in her eyes that she meant every single word she said to him.

Kelly didn't see or even think of him as a monster, she saw him as the guy she fell in love with, besides the fact that he was a vampire. For once in a heck of a long time, he felt so loved and knew that he'd protect her from anything and anyone who dared try to hurt her...he loved her so damn much that he hoped that one day she would forget about even thinking of becoming something like him...

"Edward, listen I dream about being with you forever," Kelly says.
"Forever...and you're ready right now?" Edward asked as he gently had her head lean back.
"Yes," Kelly whispered.

He made the move to acting like he was gonna bite her neck but instead he just pressed a gentle kiss to that very spot then smiled as he pulled away when he heard her slight disappointed sigh.

"Is it not enough to have a long and happy life with me?" Edward asked.
"Yeah...for now," Kelly muttered.

Edward shook his head with a short smile as he brought Kelly into his arms and the two of them just stood there holding each other for the moment as they relished in their time alone. Kelly knew not to bring up turning her into a vampire often so she decided to leave the topic alone until it was brought up itself...but Kelly told herself that she'd inform Edward that she would wait until the time was right.

But for now, she was content with spending her days with him as a human, though she knew in due time one day she'd be turned into a vampire and would be granted forever with Edward as she hoped...Kelly also hoped though that her twin sister Bella would be there too considering the twins only had each other for a while until they moved to Forks and gained not only friends but guys that they fell in love with.

At times Edward and Kelly shared a few kisses together as they continued to stand there, after a short amount of silence the couple began to dance once more and the topic of conversation was changed to other things like dates to go on or any plans for the future of the sorts.

Unknown to them though Victoria had returned to Forks and was watching the twins with a narrowed glare. When she turned around and decided to leave she undid her hair and walked off without any of the Cullens or even another party realizing it for the moment and disappeared into the night as she was gonna plot something real soon.

||A/N: Sorry for not posting it on Monday I had spent the entire day with family and kind of forgot, but here it is!! The finished chapter to this book. Now the big question...should I continue the series?? Like the whole story between Kelly and Edward??||

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