The Murder Mystery Begins

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About 10 minutes of socializing later, the last person showed up. He looked very confident in himself, being shown in his posture and the way he walked. "Hey, I'm Mr. Flores, however you can just call me Nico." he walked over to all of them and shook their hands, Thomas getting almost instantly flustered. This man was very nice looking indeed, so Thomas's instant crush wasn't too out of the ball-park. Suddenly the lights went off, slowly flickering back on, and Roman along with Remus appeared in front of them.

"Greetings and salutations visitors! Are you ready for a thrilling murder mystery night of fun!" Roman yelled excitedly. A murder mystery? This wasn't what was on the invitation.. "You'll each be assigned a roll! Now don't tell anyone else what you are, to all of your knowledge you're just a visitor caught in a terrible tragedy. Now have fun!" Remus smiled and clapped, the lights going out again. When they turned back on Remus's head was the only thing left on the floor. Thomas instantly screamed and hugged Nico for dear life, Patton doing the same to his friend, Janus. Logan simply rolled his eyes and walked over to the head, picking it up.

"This head is clearly a fake, made to look and feel like a real decapitated head." Logan dropped his head onto the floor and looked at everyone. "These two most likely left clues around to help us find out who the killer is. So I suggest staying in teams and looking around. I'll go with Virgil, Janus and Patton can go together, and Thomas and Nico will be paired up." Thomas smiled at the last partand held Nico's hand, guiding him out of the room to look for clues. Janus walked out with Patton soon after, leaving Virgil and Logan alone in the library. Logan looked at his anxious friend, noticing his panic as he stared at the head. Logan put his hand on Virgil's shoulder, "Don't worry Virgil, the head is fake, this whole thing is just for show." he assured his friend. Virgil nodded and the two started looking around the library for clues. Virgil started looking behind books while Logan searched behind the shelves, using his phone as a flashlight.

After appearing to find nothing, Logan went back to where his friend had last been seen, however he didn't find Virgil. What he did find however, was a hatch and a book on the floor. Logan picked up the book and examined it. This was likely used to open the hatch, and when Virgil moved in, he fell down the hole. It was clear he didn't go willingly, as if anything like that were to happen, Virgil would have gotten Logan to come with. The smart protagonist looked into the hole, seeing what appeared to be a metal slide, so he did what he almost feared to do, and slid down to find his friend.

 Moving on to Janus and Patton, they were walking the halls together, Patton humming a small tune as they did so. While walking Janus noticed that the lights were out in the later part of this hallway. Maybe that meant a clue? They grabbed Patton's hand and quickly walked to the end of it, seeing nothing. No doors, no windows, not even pictures. All there was, was the damaged striped wallpaper and a broken light. Patton looked at Janus, his fear and confusion growing. "I guess we should start heading back to the library, or maybe check the living room." they suggested, squeezing Patton's hand. Patton simply nodded and started walking with them, when suddenly the floor caved in, causing only Patton to fall. He, too, fell down a slide. Janus instinctively jumped down the slide after Patton.

Finally, Thomas and Nico were searching what appeared to be Roman's room. It was very well decorated, with a bed covered up by red curtains, Disney posters, a sword, and many more decorations fit for a prince. "Have you found anything yet?" Nico asked Thomas, who was just staring at him.

"Oh uhm no! No I have not haha!" Thomas stuttered, awkwardly laughing out of embarrassment towards himself. Nico nodded and continued looking. Thomas went red and started to actually look, soon finding something, "Nico! I think I found a clue thing!" Nico looked over to see what his new friend had found. Thomas held up an amulet, Nico gave him an annoyed look.

"Thomas, please tell me how that's a clue. It's just a necklace." Thomas shook his head and came over to Nico, pointing to a single window without curtains, then pointing to a small red dot. Nico was confused.

"I think that maybe if I can get the moon to reflect on this and have the light bounce to that dot, then something will happen!" Thomas smiled as Nico told him that it was actually a good idea. So that's what Thomas did. Suddenly the bed was moved behind the wall, revealing yet another slide down. "Should we go down?"

"I suppose so if it's part of the game." Nico grabbed Thomas's hand as they slid down the slide together.

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