First Impressions

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As Phil Coulson and Melinda May pulled into the parking lot of the now-familiar foster centre, they saw two teenagers they didn't recognize sitting on the steps. A girl with long, red hair, at least down to her hips, her tips bleached blonde, and a boy with short sandy hair. The girl was wearing a blue sweatshirt and black athletic leggings, and the boy was wearing a purple t-shirt, a black leather and black ripped skinny jeans.
The girl was leaning her head on the boy's shoulder, and they where holding hands.
Melinda and Phil stepped out of the car, and headed up the steps, per their usual routine. They'd adopted six boys and four girls from this place, and were ready for another.
As they headed up the steps, the boy and girl stared up at them, hollow expressions on their faces.
They entered the building, and headed straight for the main office.
When they got there, Victoria Hand, the social worker who had worked with every single kid they'd ever adopted, was leaning on the desk, talking to Isabelle Hartley, the manager, and also her wife.
"Good morning," Isabelle said, noticing the pair walk in.
Victoria looked up, and Coulson waved.
Isabelle pulled out a stack of papers.
"We already have someone," she explained, and Coulson smiled.
"Clinton Barton, 16. Sweet kid, and does well in school," Isabelle described him, and Victoria nodded.
"Quiet kid, keeps to himself, for the most part."
May and Coulson nodded.
"Can we meet him?" May asked, and Isabelle nodded. She led them out the door and up to the rooms. She knocked on one of the doors, and they entered.
The boy and girl from the front steps were sitting on one of the bottom bunks, and Isabelle cleared her throat.
"Natalia, you know you are not supposed to be in the boys' room," she scolded gently, and Natalia shook her head defiantly.
"Clint and I were just talking," she argued. "And it's Natasha, Miss Isabelle, I've said that before."
Isabelle nodded and smiled.
"It's all right, Natalia, run along."
Natalia, or Natasha, exited the room with a huff, and closed the door.
"Clinton ," Isabelle started, and he rolled his eyes.
"They're here for me, and they don't want Nat," he interrupted, and Isabelle scowled.
"Clinton —," she spoke in a warning tone.
"Sorry, Miss, Mr., but I'm not interested."
May smirked.
"Isabelle, do you mind giving us a moment?"
Isabelle hesitated, but left.
"Clinton? Is that your name?"
Clinton scowled.
"Just Clint."
May nodded.
"We'll, Clint, I'm Melinda, but some people just call me May, and this is Phil, but he also goes by Coulson."
Coulson nodded.
"Is Natasha your sister?"
Clint shook his head.
"No. We're not related. She's the only person who gets me in this place. I'm not leaving her.
"Usually everybody who wants me wasn't counting on adopting a girl too, so they just leave. I've been here seven years, and I keep getting sent back. I just act like a brat so I can come back.
"If I leave her here, Brenton and the others will beat her up, and she'll have no one to protect her."
May nodded.
"Would you consider coming with us if she came too?"
Clint's face lit up, and then he immediately scowled again. Coulson had to stifle a laugh.
"I guess? No ones ever offered that."
May smiled.
"Why don't you go ask her. We'll go talk to Isabelle."
Clint nodded, and pulled his sleeve up. On the inside of his sleeve was a small pocket, out of which he pulled a tiny button. He pushed it, and a few seconds later, Natasha entered the room.
Coulson frowned.
"Did you two make that?"
Clint nodded, and Natasha smiled shyly.
"Yeah," she mumbled. Clint put his arm around her, and she leaned into him.
May looked to Coulson, and cleared her throat.
"We'll go talk to Isabelle."
They walked down the stairs to the office, where Isabelle was sitting.
"So? Did he come around?"
May nodded.
"Yes, well, we made a deal with him."
"Which was?"
"We'd like to foster the girl, Natasha, as well."
Isabelle raised her eyebrows, but said nothing.
"Alright, let me grab their paperwork."


After an hour of filling out paperwork, the two went up to Clint's room, and knocked.
He opened the door, and they stepped in.
Natasha was sitting on his bed, and they smiled at her.
"We finished all the paperwork, so we'll be back in three days to pick you two up."
Clint nodded, and Natasha shyly smiled.
"Thank you," Clint said, and May smiled.
"No need."
"See you Thursday?" Coulson asked, and Clint nodded.

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