Coming Home

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In the car, Clint and Natasha were silent. They sat in the middle row of the car, holding hands across the aisle, and apart from occasional glances to each other and up front, the two didn't move or say anything. May and Coulson would occasionally look back, but for the most part, they also stayed silent.
When they pulled into the driveway, however, the sixteen-year-old's jaws dropped, and both gaped at the big house. Coulson stifled a laugh at their hilarious faces.
"Warning," May said, glancing in the rear view mirror. "There are ten other kids in there, so it might be a bit wild."
The two nodded, and they pulled into the driveway.
"Oh, and, uh, Natasha, there's four other girls in there, so it's not all boys."
Natasha nodded.
As May led them into the house, the two were amazed.
The foyer alone was bigger than Natasha's last house, which was a small flat.
May led them up a staircase, and Phil continued into a hallway. They heard him snort loudly when he reached whatever room he was headed to, and May rolled her eyes.
"I'll show you where to put your bags," May said, and the two followed her upstairs.
The staircase led them to a single hallway, which had seven doors. Each had a whiteboard hanging on the front, marked with the name of the room.
The one farthest down said "May and Coulson", and the one farthest in the other direction said "Bathroom". The three in the middle each had a frame, and had the kids' names written down. On the first door, it said "Peter and Fitz and Mack and Steve and Bucky and Grant" and the second one said "Jemma and Daisy and Elena and Yelena". The one farthest to the right said "Guest Room".
"You guys can have that room, if you like," May said. "Or you can split up and room with the girls and boys, respectively. It doesn't matter to me at all."
Natasha and Clint looked at each other and nodded, and May raised her eyebrows.
"We'll take it."
May opened the door, and the two entered. The room was bigger than they'd thought, with two Queen-sized beds, one in each side of the room, but it's was all white.
"We'll take you shopping tomorrow," May said, and the two nodded. "Let's come meet the kids, yeah?"
The two nodded, and followed her back down the stairs.
May led them through the hallway that Coulson had gone through, which led to a beautiful kitchen and a dining room, which was attached to a living room. There were six boys all sitting at the table, all wearing tuxedos, which made Natasha snort as loudly as Coulson had. The four girls, all in sweatshirts and t-shirts, squealed loudly and jumped up, dashing over to the couch area.
Coulson was in the kitchen, cooking, and it smelled amazing.

The boys all turned, and when they saw Natasha, they smiled.
They looked to be about 13-17, and the girls looked to be all around 14-15.
May nodded for the boys to get up, and the teens came around the edge of the table, forming a line.
First up was a tall, dark skinned boy who wore a proud smirk.
"Hello," he said, proudly. Natasha glared, and May cleared her throat.
"Mack," he said. Mack looked to be about 16, and he was tall and pretty muscular.
Directly behind Mack was a small, pale boy with light and curly hair, who looked like the youngest. He was wearing a sweatshirt with the periodic table on it.
"I'm Fitz," he said quietly. "I'm fourteen."
Fitz was definitely the youngest and skinniest of the group. He had a thick Irish accent, which made both Natasha and Clint snort.
Behind Fitz was a tall, muscular boy with black hair. He took Natasha's hand and kissed it, making Clint scowl, and Natasha smirk.
"Grant," he said. "17 and eldest of the group, at your service, ma'am."
Natasha rolled her eyes, and Grant sat back down with the other boys.
Behind him was a girl that Natasha knew very well.
"Yelena," she  grinned, and the girl bowed.
She reached out, and the two embraced, and then pulled away, socking each other on the arm.
"Suka," they said at the exact same time, grinning.
"You two know each other?" Coulson raised his eyebrows.
Natasha nodded.
"Old foster sibling."
Yelena was a year younger than Natasha, who was 16.
Yelena smirked and bent forward, pressing a kiss to Natasha's cheek.
"And a hello to you too, Barton."
Behind Yelena was a short, skinny girl, who had dark hair and was wearing a sweatshirt identical to Fitz's.
"Jemma," she said, taking a small curtsy. "Thirteen."
Behind Jemma were two tall boys, one with brown hair in a ponytail, and one blonde. They both looked the same age as Grant. Natasha also already knew the brunet.
"James Barnes," she said, and he smirked.
"Actually, it's Bucky now, Natalia."
Natasha rolled her eyes.
"Then you should know, Bucky," she said sarcastically. "It's Natasha."
Bucky grinned and ruffled her hair, going to sit back down. The boy next to him smiled warmly, his blue eyes sparkling.
"Steve," he said kissing her hand, and Natasha smirked, while Clint scowled.
Behind Steve was a small, skinny boy m, wearing a matching sweatshirt to Jemma's and Fitz's.
"Peter," he said quietly, and moved to sit next to Fitz. Peter looked about 13.
Behind Peter were two girls who were short, but obviously very athletic.
Both extended their hands at the same time, smiling.
Natasha smiled shaking their hands, and Clint nodded hello.
"We're both seventeen," Daisy said, and both went back into the kitchen.

May smiled and stepped forward.
"And as I'm sure you've all heard, this is Natasha, and this is Clint. They're sixteen."

The teens nodded, and May smirked.
"And now it's time for Coulson's famous pasta!"

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