Starting School

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It had been five days since Clint and Natasha had come to live with the Coulsons, and they were starting to fit into the rhythm of the household.
Their morning routine changed to that of a family member, and they started to relax into their new home.

"Natasha! Clint!"

"Coming!" Natasha yelled, heading down the stairs. At the bottom, she saw May and Coulson waiting for her, Clint a few steps behind her.

"We," Coulson said, dramatically pausing. "Are going to register you for school today! You're finally starting!"

Clint nodded, holding Natasha's hand.

"Okay," Natasha said, and the two parents nodded.

"Go grab your stuff and let's go!"


As they walked into the office, Coulson started up a conversation with the receptionist as May walked the two over to the front desk.

"Maria!" She said, plastering a smile on her face. "I'm here to register these two."

"Great!" The woman said, typing away. "That can start today!"

Natasha and Clint went to sit down in the uncomfortable office chairs as May and Coulson chatted with the office ladies.

And they sat there, Natasha laying her head on Clint's shoulder, until May called them over.

"Okay," she said. "You two are in the same homeroom, Mrs. Rambeau. Here are your schedules," she said, handing them to the two teens.

"Thanks," Natasha said, and the two reached for their backpacks.

"Have fun," Coulson said, and May nodded as the two headed out the door.


In Mrs. Rambeau's classroom, they sat in the back, next to a reddish-brown-haired girl and a boy with white hair.

They sat for about five minutes until a dark-skinned woman walked into the classroom.

"Roll Call!"

The entire class went silent as the teacher began calling out names.





"Here!" The girl next to Natasha spoke.


"Here!" The boy next to Wanda spoke.

The list went on and on.


"Here. And it's Peggy!"


"Here!" Natasha looked up to see Steve and Bucky sitting with a girl who was—apparently—named Peggy.

"James B?"

Bucky sighed.

"It's Bucky, Mrs. Rambeau, you know that."





Finally, it was over.

"Thank you! Now," Mrs. Rambeau said. "We have two new students."

Everyone turned to look as they noticed Natasha and Clint.

"Natasha Romanoff and Clinton Barton."

"It's just Nat, actually," Natasha corrected.

"Just Clint."

Mrs. Rambeau nodded.

"Got it."


The first day at their new school went by quickly.

Natasha was apparently taking a Russian class, which she would pass easily, seeing as she was fluent. Clint was taking French, and he was not happy about it.

At lunch, they tried to sit alone, but Steve and Bucky brought two girls over, and Daisy and Elena dragged two guys over. Then, Peter brought two kids over and Jemma and Fitz joined with Yelena, who had brought Wanda and Pietro. Mack and Grant were nowhere to be found. Until Jemma saw them sitting with two guys who looked like they were big enough to rip someone's head off with their bare hands.

"They're with Thor and Tripp again," Jemma sighed.

"Okay," Steve said. "Nat, Clint, this is Peggy," he said, gesturing to a dark-haired girl in a pink hoodie.

"This is Sharon," gesturing to a blond girl with dark eyes.

"The twins, Wanda and Pietro," pointing to the two that Nat had seen in their homeroom.

"Daniel," pointing to a dark-haired muscular guy in a button up shirt.

"MJ," a dark-skinned girl in a leather jacket with curly hair in a messy bun.

"Ned," a Mexican kid in a red sweatshirt.

"And Lincoln," a blonde guy in a t-shirt with a barbed wire necklace around his neck.

As lunch went on, Natasha and Clint got to know their foster siblings' friends, and they learned that even though Jemma, Fitz, and Peter should have been eighth graders, they were up an entire grade.


By the time they got home, they had made friends with Wanda and Pietro, and Natasha and Clint had made plans to hang out with them in three days. They had had a very successful day, if Natasha had anything to say about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2023 ⏰

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