I want a divorce.

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(Pretend in the picture above that harry is in a car) Trigger warning- barfing,divorce talk,bad language, LOTS OF CRYING.

"Harry?" Ginny calls me from the kitchen.

"Yes dear".  I responded from the living room I was cleaning. 

"I want to get a divorce".  Ginny says aloud. I feel my head spin and the world around me goes out of focus. 

"What do you mean?"  I ask sadness welling up from my insides. 

"I mean, I'm not in love with you anymore. I can't make this work. We DON'T work". Ginny points a finger at her then me. 

"Why, we were fine?" I question.

"I-i am pregnant, and it's not with your baby Harry. I met someone else". Ginny says. Pure hatred for her seeths through me. 

"THE FUCK GINNY, we are fucking married, you cheated on me?" I yell at her. She starts to speak but i cut her off.

"How long ago did this happen?" I wave my hand at her stomach. 

" 5 months ago". Ginny responds, tears in her eyes now.  I walk away from her up to our room. I yell a spell to pack my stuff. 

"FINE go live your perfect, happy little life with your new boyfriend and HIS baby, fine I'm leaving BITCH!" The anger fully bursting out of me. I walk past Ginny who is crying hysterically. Her hiccuping sobs the last thing I heard as I slammed the door behind me. I throw my things in my car, climbing in the driver's seat. I see Ginny running out the door, I slam the key into the ignition, driving away before Ginny can get to my car.  I just drive, no destination in mind. Tears threatened to spill from the corner of my eyes. I try to hold them back not wanting my vision to be blurry as I drive on the freeway. But it doesn't take long for my willpower to crumble. Hot salty tears roll down my face, loud sobs echoing in my car. I wipe the tears with my hoodie sleeves, but they keep coming. I scream angrily out of frustration. Someone honks at me from behind, I decide to pull over to compose myself before I continue my drive to nowhere. I sit in my car sobs, sniffles and tears filling up the empty space. I feel my phone vibrate against my leg. 

"Hello" I say not even looking at the caller ID.

"Harry, what did you do to Ginny. She won't stop crying!" I hear Ron yell through the phone. Tears fill at the brink of dropping from my eyes yet again. I breathe in a deep shaky breathe before I speak.

"Ron, uhm I didn't do anything Gin-" I'm cut off by Ron yelling.

"Your going to blame this on Ginny! Do you not hear her whaling through the phone?" I start to speak but before I get a word out the line goes dead. I yell in frustration then chucking my phone to the floor. I sit with my head against the driving wheel for a while. I hear my phone buzz on the floor. I pick it up seeing a text from Ron has popped up. I decide not to open it. I toss my phone into the passenger seat, take a few deep breaths and turn the key to start my car. It's now dark out which doesn't bother me, but I have nowhere to go and that bothers me. I can't go to Ron's nor the Weasley's and I have no family members to stay with. I could always get a hotel for the night. Yea I think I'll do that. I drive to the nearest hotel, carrying my phone and one bag holding all my belongings in it. Crazy how magic works like that. I still think about the concept and how magic works on a daily, it fascinates me.  I buy a room for the night and head up to it. This hotel is more modern the key isn't a physical key, it's just a card you tap to the lock which opens the door. It's weird, weirder than magic. I set my bag on the floor of the room, then sitting down on the crickety bed. I pull my phone from my pocket, there are 6 missed calls and about 100 texts from Hermione, Ron and an anonymous caller, I swear i've seen the number before though. I open the text bubble from 'Mione.

Hermione's texts:

sent at 5:40pm- Harry, please answer your phone. Ron has called you at least 5 times now. He was being stupid and didn't let you finish what you had to say.Ginny calmed down, she told us what had happened. I don't believe she gave the full truth though. Could you at least call me and explain. 

sent at 6:00pm- Harry I'm not kidding answer your phone. 

sent at 6:15pm- HARRY JAMES POTTER! Pick up the goddamn phone!

sent at 6:40pm- CALL ME! please 

sent at 7:00pm- Harry you don't have to call me if you don't want to, but at least answer my text, respond even the slightest just to let me know your ok. I'm going to go to bed now Harry. I love you. Stay safe. 

Knowing Hermione she won't sleep till I talk to her, so I call her. She instantly picks up like she had been sitting watching her phone waiting. 

"Harry". She says 

"Yea". I respond 

"Why weren't you answering my texts?" She questions 

"I was driving 'Mione". I answer

"Oh well safety first, good". She sighs

"So what happened, why is Ginny sitting in MY kitchen eating MY ice-cream crying?"  I love how 'Mione puts emphasis on the "my". 

"I don't want to talk about it, too hard". The tears already starting to well up in my eyes again. 

"But, Harry if you don't tell me, then she'll be here crying for the next week, please tell me I want to get her out of here". Hermione is very honest.

"Fine, she cheated on me, she is pregnant and she wants to get a divorce. Which I totally agree with, I HATE HER HERMIONE! She s-she ss-she cheated o-o-on mee!" The tears spilled from my eyes as my voice broke with each word. I hear Hermione gasp through the phone. 

"Oh no NO, that's it! Ginny you fucking bastard. Get you ass in here NOW!" Hermione yells i hear her phone get thrown on the bed. 

"What is wrong with you 'Mione, why are you yelling and why such profanity at my sister?" Ron yells. 

"That little bitch cheated on Harry, she is fucking pregnant Ron! Don't you see it now. She didn't put on any weight. There is a freaking child growing in there!" Hermione yells. I can just imagine her pointing a finger towards Ginny. 

"Is that true Gin?" I hear Ron ask . Then a bunch of uninheritable words and mumbles covered by sobs come through the phone. I have to turn my sound down. 

"Really Ginny, why the hell would you do something like that?" I hear Ron ask quietly.

"I-i just I never liked him, I thought I did but It was for his fame and glory. But I've now experienced it and I hate it, all of it. It's too much. And he told me he was bisexual a few months ago, and that's just disgusting! He is ugh. I hate him so much!" My stomach flips, I hang up my phone immediately. Feeling as though I might be sick I rush to the bathroom. Just as I put my head over the toilet, I feel the vomit rising up my throat and Blaargh, my already empty stomach lets out whatever little bit is left in it. After i wipe my mouth and lay down on the rocky bed. I pull a cover over my head. Little whimpers escape my mouth here and there. Tears rolling down my face. 

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