It's okay to Cry

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Harry's POV:

I drive to Malfoy Manor thinking of what to say when I get there. Hey Draco, thanks for letting me come over. I know we weren't very close at school, we practically hated each other and you made my life terrible but hey lets go do something fun... NO that doesn't work. I didn't hate him, I use to be jealous of him, he had a family and he is ~beautiful~. Unlike me I'm scar ridden and ugly. I stop my car at the end of his property, then walking up to his door. 

Knock... knock...knock. I wait for Draco to open the door. 

Draco's POV

I heat the faint knocking from my door. Ahhhh what do I wear?? I grab a black t-shirt and black skinny jeans(as always). I slip them on almost falling as I pulled my jeans over my arse. 

"I'M COMING". I yell from the stairs. Why did I yell he can't even hear me from behind the big ass door, I'm so dumb.  I pull the door open seeing Harry standing against a pillar outside on my front porch. 

"I'm surprised you still remember where I live". I say quietly

"Oh uh yea, basically stalked you for some time. OH shit no not that way, I- i mean when Voldemort was in my head, i -i could see into your house and where it was". Harry stammers 

"Oh well at least you can't stalk me anymore". I laugh a little trying to ease the tension between us. 

"Come on, it's cold out here". I say motioning for Harry to come inside. 

Harry's POV

Draco answers the door, he stands there in all black clothing. I can see colorful tattoos along his neck, looks like flowers. It's pretty cute, I wonder what other tattoos he's gotten? He is even more beautiful than I remember but he looks sick. His eyes sunken in, dark circles under, skinnier than a toothpick. He is still beautiful though. We make small talk for a couple minutes, then he invites me inside. I follow him into his sitting room. His house is very plain, black and white minimalist style. 

"Do you want some tea?"  Draco asks. How did I not notice him go into the kitchen.

"Uhm sure, wait what flavor is it?" I ask having a serious allergy to cinnamon. 

"Its chai, all I have". Draco responds 

"Is there cinnamon in it?" I question

"Yea why?" Draco says 

"I'm really allergic to it". I admit 

"Really, If voldy new you'd've been dead a long time ago". Draco jokes but it still hit like a stone to the heart. 

"Yea maybe". I respond sadly 

"Oh no wait, I didn't mean it that way. I was just making a joke. I'm sorry, d-don't be mad". Draco stutters out.

"I'm not mad silly, I knew you were joking". I assure Draco. He sighs a bit like he'd been holding his breath. I watch him slink around in the kitchen for a minute then he comes back with two mugs in his hands. 

"I-i made you hot cocoa instead". Draco says handing me the warm mug.

"Thanks". He is really sweet actually. 

"So what is going on with you and girl-Weasley?" 

"S-she cheated on me, she said she never liked me, thought she did but It was for my fame. But she now doesn't like it and she hates it, all of it. And I told her I was bisexual a few months ago, she said that's just disgusting! S-she said she hates me. S-she said I am a disgusting person". My tears falling down my cheeks as I practically yell at Draco. My head hanging low not wanting to look Draco in the eyes. I feel his hand lift my chin up.

"Harry It's okay to cry, you don't have to hide it". He assures me. Then pulling me into his arms. I sob violently into his chest, shaking. He tightens his arms around me, drawing little soothing circles on my back. I wrap my arms around his waist. Why do I feel so safe with him? My sobs die down to sniffles and hiccups. I let out a shaky breath before whispering...

"Thank you Draco". My voice sounded raspy. Draco doesn't say anything  just drops his head onto my shoulder. Squeezing me tightly in his arms. 

"Do you want to go do something fun?" Draco says in my ear.

"Like what ?" I whisper my voice still raspy as ever. 

"How about we go see a movie". Draco suggests. Honestly my mind had wandered to a not so innocent place when he whispered into my ear. I tighten my arms around his waist not wanting to let go. 

"What do you say, want to go see a movie?" Draco asks again. I'd rather stay like this the rest of the day, I'd rather you hold onto me for eternity, I feel safe with you. 

"Yea sure sounds like a good idea, but you can chose the movie". I tell him

"Oki sounds good". Draco says letting go of me, and standing up. I wish he didn't get up. I stand up too. 

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