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Draco's POV:

Brriing Brriing... BRRIING BRRIING 

The alarm on my phone goes off, seeming to get louder and louder with every minute that I don't turn it off. I roll over grabbing the stupid thing. Shut up I say aloud as I press the stop button. I roll back over cuddling my blanket. Why do I even set an alarm It's not like I ever get up from my bed. 

Your pathetic . The voice in my head snarls. I scroll through Facebook for a bit before putting my phone back on the nightstand, then turning over and thinking about how lonely it is at the manor. I think about how only 4 months ago my mother had ended her life, not able to bare that my father had been kissed by the dementors which he died from. Now I lay here completely alone. My parents weren't very parently, and my father hated my guts but my mom cared about me a little and any kind of company was nice. I look at the horrible tattoo that sit upon the skin of my forearm. I got a muggle to add colorful flowers all around it but it still sickens me everyday to look at it. I have a few other tattoos that I love. I have more flowers on my neck, and I have a cute little bee on my hip. I really like tattoos. I sit up deciding I'm no longer comfortable laying here in self pity.  I want to talk to someone. I pick up my phone and call a person I've never called before.

Harry's POV:

I wake to the sound of my phone buzzing, I don't even remember falling asleep. I pick up my phone. A bajillion messages and missed calls just as I thought there would be. I don't feel like answering them now, so I put my phone back down. I can't stay in this hotel forever, this bed sucks. I sit up. I stretch my arms high in the sky. My phone rings, a call. No caller ID just the number. I decide to answer.

"Hi?" I ask.

"Hey is this Harry Potter?" I hear Draco's raspy voice come from the phone. 

"Malfoy?" I ask I hear him sigh.

"Yea, could you not call me that name please". I hear the pain in his voice as he says this.

"Yea of course, what's up, uhm why'd you call?" I question

"I-i just wanted someone to talk to and your the only person in my contacts". Draco replies 

"Oh ok, how did you even get my number?" I ask

"Hermione went to my mothers funeral,  I asked her how you were. um she said she hadn't talked to you in a while, so she gave me your number". Draco says 

"Hmm ok, how are you?" I hear Draco take a shaky breath before speaking.

"Uhm, I'm alright I guess". Draco speaks quietly through the phone. 

"Just alright? How come?" I question

"Uh I don't know, It's kind of lonely here at the manor and the whole wizarding world hates me but at least I don't get death threats from strangers anymore". Draco giggles a little. That was cute. Shut up. Don't think that. 

"How's life for you?" Draco asks in return.

"Oh uh not so great. Ginny and I aren't doing well". I tell the truth to Draco. I don't know why I told him the truth kind of.

"Oh wow Harry I'm so sorry to hear that. Are you okay?" Draco says with pure honesty in his voice. 

"Ehm I don't know, I'll be fine". I tell Draco

"Do you want to come hangout, like to get things off your mind, maybe It'll be nice?" Draco offers. I really do want to go hangout with him, that would be nice. He did say he is lonely. Yea I'll go over to his place.

"Yea sure that sounds nice". I agree

SORRY THIS IS SUCH A SHORT CHAPTER.. I promise to make more longer ones. 

~Love you Trin<3

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