Chapter 3

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I was lying on my bed when Euronymous ask me something, but again I was think about to cut and kill myself. He gets angry and grabbed the rifle and put it in my forehead.

Euronymous: If you want do die so much I will help you.

He was think I am kidding and I am not serious. One cat was hanged of my ceiling

Euronymous: Why you really hate cats?

Dead: They are so annoying..

Euronymous: We can shoot cats if you want.

Me: Okay

Me and Euronymous was in the forest for fun and catch animals. We tried to shoot a cat but failed.

Pelle showed me where the cat was, but imperceptibly he came in front of me and grabbed the rifle. He leaned it on his forehead.

Pelle: Shot me! Come on, pull the trigger.

I was a little shocked that he want the death so much. I was ready to pull the trigger, but I shivered and remove the rifle from his forehead. He is so crazy.. I can't understand him...

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