Chapter 1: Dad's on a Hunting Trip

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S1 E1: Pilot

Flashback to November 2nd, 1985

Lawrence, Kansas, 20 years ago

A woman with blonde hair and green eyes was about to put her children to bed. She held her oldest son's, who looked to be six, hand while her youngest son, no older than two, was on her side as they entered her daughter's nursery.

"Come on, let's say goodnight to your sister, boys," She said.

The oldest walked up to the crib and climbed on the side to kiss his sister. The mother placed the younger child down to do the same.

"Goodnight, Quinn," The oldest said after climbing down to let his brother do the same.

"Night-night, Quinny," the younger brother said after kissing his baby sister.

The mother then bends over and kisses her little girl's head. "Goodnight, love."

"Hey, boys," they heard a man's voice say behind them. The boys turned around to see who was behind them.

"Daddy!" they squealed with delight as they ran up to him. The father picked them up and hugged them.

"What do you think, Dean?" the father asked the oldest son. "Do you think Sammy here is big enough to throw around a football?"

"No, Daddy," Dean said, shaking his head and giggling with his brother, Sam.

"You got them?" The mother asked, placing a loving hand on her husband's shoulder.

"Yeah, I got them," he answered. He looked back at the crib and smiled at the baby inside.

"Sweet dream, Mer-bear," he said to his daughter as he turned off the nursery lights and put his sons to bed.

Later that night, Sam heard his sister crying and got up to check on her. He went in and walked up to the crib and stuck his little hand through the bars, and held his sister's hand.

"It's okay, Quinney," Sam said to his sister. A figure walked up behind Sam, talking in his father's voice, "That's right, kiddos, everything is all okay."

"John, is she hungry?" The mother asked, to which the figure replied with a 'shh' to let her know the baby was back to sleep.

"Okay, can you put Sammy back to bed, too, please?" the stranger nodded. As she went back to bed, she saw that one of the hallway lamps was glitching and went to tap it to see if it would fix itself. After it did, she heard a noise downstairs and went to investigate. As she reached the bottom steps of the stairs, she saw in the living room that her husband, John, was asleep in front of the T.V. watching a war movie. She ran back up the stairs and ran into the nursery.

"Sammy, Quinny!" She called out. As she entered the room, she saw the figure clearly for the first time.

Downstairs, John woke up to the sound of his wife's screams and ran up the stairs. "Mary!" He called but didn't get a reply. He ran to the nursery and saw Sam asleep against the crib with his hand still holding Quinn's. John let out a sigh of relief as he picked Sam up and looked down at Quinn, who was cooing and smiling up at him. "Hey, Quinny," He said, smiling down at her. "Okay."

Looking down at her, he saw something drop next to her head. He looked closer at it and saw it looked suspiciously like blood. A few more drops fell, and some got on John's hand. He looked up at the ceiling and saw his wife, Mary, with her abdomen sliced open.

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