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Lynn sr: well we are waiting young ladies

The girls were in trouble now and had no choice but to confess everything they did to him and to say the parents were pissed they was furious

Rita: are you kidding me right now you girls are grounded for 5 months

Loud sisters : WHAT!!!

Luan:what that's not fair

Lynn sr: fair you girls blamed you're brother for everything he didn't do and you called that fair

The girls were silent about and couldn't think of anything

Rita: by the way before you girls go up to you're room mind telling us why you didn't tell you're brother about the SFP

Luan: he wouldn't understand and just kept getting involved and it was getting harder for us to keep Lori and leni separated

Rita: really luan you all think he was making it harder for you but actually you girls were the one who was making it harder because this is how stupid this protocol is if you wanted to keep them separated then why didn't you girls used the backyard or Lisa bunker or could've drove off somewhere

The girls was quiet

Rita: that's what I thought so as I said before girls the 5 month grounding still stand and you all can forget about all you're actives because we putting everything you girls own in storage do I make myself clear

Loud sisters: yes

Lynn sr: now go

The next day
Lincoln: hello

Neko: hi Lincoln this Neko

Lincoln: hi Neko how are you feeling

Neko: I'm good how are you

Lincoln: I'm okay did you need anything

Neko blushed

Neko: yeah I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house

Lincoln: uh sure Neko I can do that meet me at the corner in a few minutes

a few minutes later

Lincoln:sorry if I kept you waiting Neko

Neko:it's ok Lincoln

Lincoln:so what do you want to do

Neko got an idea

Neko: I want to show you something

Lincoln: ok lead the way Neko

To Be Continued...

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