Sister shutdown

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Lincoln and Neko was in his room just talking about anything that came to their mind

Lincoln: Neko are you okay ?

Neko: yeah just want to use the bathroom

Lincoln: straight down the hall

Neko: okay thank

Neko left to use the toilet after that she was about to head back to Lincoln room when she was suddenly grabbed

Neko: what , who , where

Lola: calm down it's just us

Luan: hi I'm luan

Neko: hi I'm Neko and question why did you girls pulled me in to this room

Leni: we wanted to know about you and our brother

Neko: um I'm afraid that's not any of you're business

Lori: and why can't you tell us

Neko: because it's me and you're brother business and why is his love life so important to you

Luna:we're only looking out for him

Neko: really so let me ask you a question then

Luna: okay shoot

Neko: when he told y'all about what this Ronnie Anne girl did to him why did you girls tell him that was her way of saying she likes him

Lynn jr: well at first we thought is was a boy who was bullying him but then he told it was a girl we was happy for him

Neko raised a eyebrow at them

Neko: um you are completely wrong and dumb because one that is not true what so ever and two if what you said is true and it's not then why didn't anyone you're boyfriends or girlfriend do it to any of you then ?

The girls went silent

Neko: well I'm waiting

Luna: I got nothing

Lori: maybe we blew it a little

Neko: a little?! You idiots mean to tell me you're brother was being bullied my a girl who you thought was trying to get his attention by hurting him all because you thought she was trying to flirt with him that's what you called a little!!

Neko: and he told about the sister fight protocol

Lucy: did he also tell how he was making it worse

Neko: was he making it worse

Luan: yes we was just trying to keep our older sisters away from each other

Neko: so why didn't you use the backyard then or let one them drive off

Again there was silence

Neko: one of you mentioned that you took his things without asking and barged into his room without knocking

Lola: we had to make sacrifices

Neko: really so why didn't you girls use you're blankets or why did the rest of you get involved

Again no one said a word

Neko: that's what I thought you girls need to start treating you're brother with respect

Lana: but we do treat him with respect and we would never hurt him

Neko: so why did he tell me about the bad luck incident

The girls was now sweating but Lynn was scared out her mind

Lori: he told you about that

Neko nodded her head to confirm her answer

Neko: yes he did and let me tell you girls a story about a girl suffered the same fate but her was horrible

Neko: there once was a girl around Lincoln age and her name was Nola one day her sister had a game and she wanted to stay home but her sister persuaded her to come during the game her team lost and she blamed her for it saying she was bad luck and then telling everybody including her friends how she made her lost Nola tried to plead with everyone but it was all in vein but what happened next was tragic

Lucy: w-what happened to her

Neko: her family locked her outside of the house just as it was starting to snow so Nola had to find shelter but she never did because she was abducted and killed by a rapist and when word got around of what happen to her Nola family and friends were devastated

Neko stopped and looked at the girls who had tears in their eyes

Neko: so you girls understand what would have happened to him

The girls especially Lynn jr shook their heads

Luna: we didn't think of it like that oh man we screwed up bad and it almost cost our brother his life

Neko got up and was about to leave until she turned around to face the girls

Neko: I hope you girls take what I said into consideration because one day you're brother well leave and never return

The girls were left alone to think of everything they have done to their only brother and a thought came to mind

The girls: forgive us Lincoln

Back to Lincoln room

Neko: sorry Lincoln I got held up by all of you're sisters

Lincoln: what happened

Neko told Lincoln everything about her encounter with his sisters

Lincoln: wow that's a lot

Neko: but don't worry about it Lets relax and enjoy ourselves

Lincoln laid back with Neko laying his chest

This is it don't worry I'm working on a new story tomorrow until peace out dudes and dudettes

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This is it don't worry I'm working on a new story tomorrow until peace out dudes and dudettes

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