Meeting the family

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A few minutes later the two made their way over to the loud house

Lincoln: we are here Neko

Lincoln turns to Neko with a concern look

Lincoln: are you ok Neko ?

Neko: yeah I'm ok Linky

Lincoln: if you're uncomfortable we can do this another time

Neko mind: he is so thoughtful and considerate

Neko: no it's ok

The two came through the door and was greeted by the family

Rita: hi you must be Lincoln friend Neko

Neko: yes I am

Lynn sr: nice to meet you

Neko: pleasure to meet you too

Lincoln: anyway we can go to my room and wait until dinner is ready

Neko: okay

The two made their way to his room but one of his sisters put a hold to it

Lana: hey Lincoln can we talk to you're friend

Lincoln looked at Neko and she shook her head

Neko: sorry little but I'm better off with hanging with Lincoln

To be continued

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