Day 1

699 10 8

(Charles pov)

It was a late night in the Peach Apartments And it was raining cats and dogs, Man it was a busy rainy night until that one knock at the door came..


I got up and looked through the peephole in my door.. It was hard to see because of the rain and it looked like the person had a wizard hat and- wait- Carl? I swing open the door and see Carl, who was drenched in water. All I could hear was a faint mumbling from him who I guess was cold from the sudden movement and the cold breeze.. "Hey it's okay come inside and get dry carl!" I said excitedly. As I waited for a response all I heard was him walking in and sniffing. I led him to the bathroom and gave him a big hoodie I had from my leftover clothes bonbon made for me. It took him at least maybe a good 20 minutes before I decided to just make his bed on the couch. I was walking to make some hot chocolate for Carl and I but as I was in the middle of grabbing the sticks for the hot chocolate he walked out of the bathroom. He had the hoodie down to it's legs and had put their hair back in a ponytail. He took a seat on the couch cuddling with the thick blue squish mellow I put on the couch. I grabbed the tray of hot chocolate and placed it on the coffee table in front of the tv. "So are you okay? Why were you in the rain?" I said with confusion, Complete silence came from him until.. "I locked myself out and the rain came so I decided to come to you.." He said mumbling across a word or two. "So you have nowhere to stay right now until you get a key copy?" I questioned. "Well yeah I mean it takes at least a week to make a copy so I thought I could ask you to stay.." He said while his head stayed down. "Well sure I would like a roommate for a week!" I said with glee. He looked at me with a spark in his eyes, Just like a puppy when they're getting a treat! He started to stir a dark chocolate stick in his hot chocolate and started to drink it. It was already 2 hours and it was 11:00 PM, he had already fallen asleep and I put the blanket out on him and just started getting ready for bed.

The next morning I made pancakes and started to make another one for Carl. He had woken up and walked to the kitchen counter to wait for breakfast and was still hugging a blue squish mellow I gave him. I placed his pancakes and he ate them slowly until he took at least 10 minutes to eat. He took his place and started to look at all my dishes. When I had finished and put my place in the sink I looked at millions of cleaned plates. I looked in Awe as Carl walked towards the bathroom. *10 Minutes later* He walked out with his original clothes and walked to the door. "Charles, today is Friday, get ready for work-" he said before me cutting him off" OMG I FORGOT ABOUT WORK THANK YOU CARL-" I said , almost having my voice between the walls. As I came out with my tanktop and jeans I noticed Carl who looked like he was about to pass out with a hangover. "Hey Carl, are you okay?" I said worried. "Yeah, just a migraine.." He said quietly. I helped him up and we walked down. Right as we got down the stairs he passed out. He fell behind me with a thump and I didn't know what to do..

I know he couldn't walk so picking him up shouldn't be a problem. I picked him up (Somehow bridal style) and started to carry him to the kingdom to continue working. I laid him down at the nurse's office accompanied by the people who work at the church nearby like May, she goes by pastry cookie and has left to work on the new buildings by the kingdom. It had been 3 hours into my shift when I noticed he had cleaning duty for that day and he had started to clean the hallway by the building we had started to build. Carl waved at me gently. "Hey, is that your boyfriend?" Said Ace (Gumball cookie). "He's not my boyfriend! He's my roommate!" I said with a straight face. "Wow i never thought you would have a roommate-" Ace had said with a surprised face. "Look, just shush and let's get back to work.." I said while being worried how Carl would be and just hoped that he wouldn't pass out again. Oh god please don't let it happen!

(Carl's pov)

It was after an hour when I had made it to the club hallways to clean. I had started to clean when I heard something faint in whispers ''Help me he's trying to hurt me!" I walked over to the corner hallway near the nerd hallway where the tutors are. I looked and saw the popular girls Carol and Mary (Carol = Latte cookie and Trans Mary/Jack = espresso cookie) Bullying a small worker named Jamie (Strawberry cookie). I ran up and kicked them both in the face with my mop. I made sure to help Jamie and run faster than I have ever before. I ran all the way to the entrance of the school and left her there. I could hear her asking for my name but all I did was run. I almost made it to the next hallway but.. I passed out from low sugar.

I woke up to the movement of me walking but not moving my legs..

I noticed that Charles was carrying me but I was WAY WAY WAY too tired to even care. I was only blushing with a slight brush. I woke up to me on the couch, Not changed but with my hat on the rack and me having my hair tied. I got up and started to get ready for bed since it was 8 PM. I had already put on the hoodie and had hugged the squish mellow to sleep. It was tomorrow to turn into a new day..

(New accomplishment for today :D also i hope your having a wonderful day and love your loved one :D)


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