The Future

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Tomorrow is the day my wife dies. It won't be an expected death, nor is it one that she deserves. What will happen is a simple random act with no meaning beyond fate's command.

We'll be out walking, holding hands as we're heading home from a long day at work. Once we get to a crosswalk, her phone will ring. It's her mother, calling to tell us that her cancer has returned once more. It doesn't come as a shock. She'd been in remission for a couple of years but her body had been ravaged by the previous round of chemo and radiation. The words were heavy on my Lucy, and I see the tears well up in her eyes. She tries to stay strong in front of me, pretending she can handle the moment she's been preparing. Then, she starts to approach the crosswalk. What she doesn't notice is that during our brief pause, the light has turned green. As she takes her first step onto the crosswalk, she gets hit by a car and smashes her head on the ground. She dies on impact and the paramedics can do nothing to help. 

In less than a second, everything she ever was, will be taken away from me and I have to watch it happen

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In less than a second, everything she ever was, will be taken away from me and I have to watch it happen. I'm so sorry Lucy. Her death is a fact I've known since we first met as young children yet, I can do nothing to prevent her untimely demise. No matter how badly I want to, she made me promise, swear never to tell her the inevitable truths of the future. Even had I tried to do so, it wouldn't have mattered. "We weren't meant to know the end, that's what makes life beautiful" she said. But they're just words written down in a book, a reassuring lie I don't remember. That'll be it, the last memory I have of my wife alive. Once her body has been buried and I've moved away to another city, I'll forget she ever existed. All I'll be left with is a hole in my heart that I won't be able to fill until the day I finally die. 

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