The Final Entry

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I learned that day that I cannot save anyone who falls victim to the cruel judgment of destiny. In the end, whenever I tried, it only made things worse. The worst part is, that since I never actually experienced her death as it was supposed to happen, it's the only memory of my past I still remember though it doesn't match up with reality. In my mind, she was hit by the drunk driver but according to every available document, she spent her final years in a coma, only dying once her body finally gave out.

By the time of my mother's death, my girlfriend had known about my curse for years and took it upon herself to take over the task of recording my life. Each event, important or minor was jotted down into the same notebook that my mother had carried around for so many years. To this day, I don't know what I've done to deserve such an amazing woman. Despite my complicated life, she still loved me. It was odd though, having known each other since we were children, as she got to know me, I was starting to forget her. I guess it helped, having grown up side by side with my secret, that's the only way she could possibly understand my ability and to see beyond it, to see who I truly am. Even when we first met, I knew we'd end up married one day, of course, I did, I had every single memory stored in my mind. Maybe that fact allowed me to act more confident than I truly was or maybe destiny played a hand in our pairing, I don't know. But, by the time we entered an age where crushes became an accepted fact, we quickly started dating. Together, we shared all of our firsts. Though I don't remember any of them, I can recall the feelings connected to each event, I love her with all of my heart despite losing some of the memories I have of her for each passing day, which brings us to the present day. Tonight, we won't be able to sleep, she won't know why, but something will irk her mind, instead, we'll stay up late talking and reminiscing about times long since past. I won't crack, I won't cry and I won't let her know what's about to happen. She'll just write her final entry into my book and then we'll fall asleep in each other's arms. I can't prevent her death, lest I want her to suffer the same fate as my mother and once she's gone there will be no one left to continue my story. Each day will pass as it always has and I'll forget it. Doomed to wander this world alone, I can do nothing except wait for my eventual death. That's why I'm writing this now, as my wife sleeps beside me. I need the world to know, what I can't. I need someone to remember my story, to remember that I once walked this path. I don't regret my life, because, despite all odds, it was a happy one. It was filled with love and despite my memory being lost, I know there will be a trace of my presence rippling through time itself.

Life is not a certainty, don't treat it like tomorrow is a given. It might never come

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