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"hey girls!" Cody says with a huge grin on his face. "Vivian and Anna, right? do you guys remember the contest you girls entered last month?" I look at Viv and nod. her cheeks are bright red, and I'm pretty sure mine are too.

Viv stutters and barely gets out her sentence. "t-t-totally!"

Zach smiles and cuts in, "well, it looks like you girls are going on tour with us. you lovely ladies are an hour earlier for the concert, so why don't you go and get your stuff at home? we'll come and grab you after the show.. you guys will be coming back right?"

"o-of course!" I say. "we'll be back in 45 minutes!" I smile and turn around to walk put the door. when we get out of the room Vivian and I scream and hug each other.

"I NEVER THOUGHT WE'D ACRUALLY WIN ANYTHING!" she yells. I agree with her and we skip to our car.

when we get to our house, I grab my suitcase and pack almost every clothing item I own, but it's all pretty much band shirts, large sweaters and black skinnies. as I'm sifting through my pants drawer, I find a few things i haven't seen in a long time. a pair of light blue skinnies with signatures all over them, they were the skinnies I wore the day before I dropped out of college. I had all my friends sign them because it was most likely the last day I will ever see them. I also find my old poetry journal I kept during college. I decide to pack both of them. then I look for swimsuits. I only have bikinis, because I used to be really confident and be able to wear them, but now I'm not as confident. I decide to pack them anyways. I go to my sock drawer to look for some other things like yaknow.. things. and I also find something that makes my heart sink. my old razor. this brings back memories. I've been clean for almost a year now, and I'm not turning back. I'm not going down that path again. I turn to my trash bin and throw it in there. no more will I let it be in my presence.

I walk into my bathroom and put all my makeup in a giant bag, along with hair products, hair straightener, perfume and a bunch of bobypins and hairbands. I also put a few on my wrist for later.

as I'm closing my suitcase, I slip my savings in there too. who knows when I'll need it.

I walk intro he living room with my suitcase to see Vivian waiting. "ready yet?" she asks. I give her the finger and she laughs and heads out the door. we decide to walk tot he venue because it's only a few blocks away.

when we get there we are greeted by Maxx and he helps us put our things on the bus. we head into the venue to see that there's still open room in the front so we head up there. during the concert, time flies by. it felt so quick and by the time it was over, I was really tired.

a little later we go with the guys to go meet fans. Cody walks up to me,
"can I see your phone?"
"why?" I question
"you want a picture, don't you?"

I smile and hand him my phone. we take a picture and then he goes to my contacts I laugh.
"that's not my camera!" I joke.

he smiles, "I know, but since you're coming on tour with me, you should have my number, incase of emergencies."

smooth, Cody. smooth. "well that's a good idea." I say.

he smiles and I see a girl glaring at me, and then body goes over to his fans.

after the meet-n-greet, we go to the bus. it's really nice in here.

"ready to take off?" Danny asks, and the boys nod and so do we.

"so," Cody turns to me, "your tour life begins." he says as he wraps his arm around me. I blush uncontrollably and he smiles. I can already tell this is going to be the best 3 months of my life.

A.N.// hey guys sorry this chapters kind of long but it's really eventful. sorry I'm a rlly sucky writer, but I rlly like writing fanfics (:

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