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I'm so glad we actually did this contest. I was unsure about it, because I thought we'd get two annoying fangirls who just want to get into our pants. we actually got some pretty chill girls.

they're stunning too. don't even get me started on Anna. she's absolutely beautiful. her wavy brown hair frames her face perfectly and makes her grey eyes stand out. she's very petite too. about 5'3 in height, and maybe 120lbs. she's hilarious too. she has a killer personality, which is a huge plus.

my phone goes off. Maxx texted me. is he freaking serious? he's sitting right across from me. whatta dork.

'caught you staring at new girl ;)'

I smirk at my screen.

'shut up, dork!'
'make me'
'you're such a slut Maxine'

he chuckles at his screen and locks his phone.

I look over at Anna. she's concentrated on a phone game. she's so cute.

my train if thought is wrecked by the sound of Dannys voice, "okay soooooo we don't have enough bunks. we only have five." oh crap.

Anna speaks up, "I can sleep on the floor, I don't mind real-" I cut her off,

"no, Anna, you're our guest. I'll sleep out here."

"how about you guys share a bunk!" Vivian and Maxx say in unison. I see Anna shoot Vivian a look, but she's also blushing really hard.

"YEAH BECAUSE I CALL THE COUCH!" Zack yells. damnit Zack, I love you.

"well, I guess we have to then."


it's later that evening, and we're all cracking jokes and playing board games.

Anna gets up, "I'm going to go get my pajamas on," she continues "I'll be right back."

"alright." I say in reply. when she gets into the bathroom, Maxx looks at me and makes kissy noises. I grab and throw a pillow at his face, he laughs.

"yaknow, if you like her THAT much then ask her out!" he giggles.

Vivian contributes to this argument, "I agree. you've always been her favorite, she'd be absolutely flattered and it'd be a definite yes."

"you guys, I just met her! I'm practically a stranger to her. just give me a couple days." I say through my smile.

they nod as Anna comes out of the bathroom. she's wearing a pierce the veil tshirt and some shorts. the first thing I notice are how skinny she actually is, and the second thing I notice are the scars on her thighs and forearms. she grabs a blanket and tries to hide them, but I've already seen.

we stay up until the early hours in the morning watching trashy tv and scrolling through our socialmedias. everyone else has gone to sleep and we're the only ones up.

"have you ever harmed yourself?"

her face goes pale and she looks as if she's disappointed me.

"I won't be mad at you, I just want to know the truth."
"I have..."

she removes the blanket and I see her thighs that are decked with scars. she turns over her arms and her under-forearm is also covered. they're very faded, but it was bad. really bad.

"I'm sorry-" she begins
"don't be. its not your fault."
"I could have talked to someone, but I didn't. it's my faul-"
"no, Anna, it's not. what made you do this to yourself?"
"... it's kind of a long story.."

I shrug. "I have time."

"alright.... it all started in 10th grade. I was bullied severely because I suffer from anxiety and would have panic attacks from getting stressed out. then after I graduated, I found a guy that I thought was the man of ny dreams, but he broke my heart 6 months ago. I started cutting more and more because I became more insecure about my body. I stopped finally, but I just feel like hurting myself more and more but I'm becoming happier, I promise." she confesses.

I take her hand and kiss her scars. "promise me you will never hurt yourself again, Anna. please."

"I promise. you're music has helped me."

I pull her into a long hug. after she lets go I realize my shoulder is soaked from her tears.

"what's your favorite movie?" I ask.

"the lion king."

I grab the remote and go onto netflix. I select the lion king and press play. she smiles and snuggles up to me.

"just remember, Hakuna Matata." I whisper.

heyy so there was a little sad/happy moment w Anna and Cody. I loved writing this chapter, and I'm rlly sorry my fanfics are poor quality. anyways, I'll be updating soon.
-bella x

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