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I wake up to a firm grasp around my waist. I'm not in the place I fell asleep.. I guess I was moved to the bunk, and Cody fell asleep with me? I'm not sure.. last night was a blur. I think we both had one too many drinks, because I can feel the hangover setting in.

hot breath flashes across my neck. soft snores escape from his mouth. I wait until I know he is for sure asleep and then slip out of his grasp. everybody's asleep, so I decide to get ready for the day. I love being the first one up. usually because Viv has a habit of eating MY cereal, but also to see everybody half-awake and unaware of all that's going on.

I'm not quite ready to get dressed and cake-faced yet, so I scroll through socialmedias on my cellphone.

as I'm scrolling through my news feed, an instagram post from Cody was up. it was a selfie of me and him, and it's obvious that we were a bit tipsy when it was taken.

"having fun with this girl tonight!! can't wait to continue tour tomorrow!!" posted 7 hours ago.

that was sweet.. well, kinda. I scroll down to the comments. some are sweet, most are negative.

"awh!! she's lovely! have fun!!!!!" from a girl named Lindsey.

"ew, who brought the cow?"
"fat, ugly, probably a whore too xD"
"you can do soooooo much better Cody, there are plenty of other fish in the sea.. like me!!" those all from the same account. there were others calling me other names, but this user particularly stuck out. my eyes fill with tears and I feel as if something bad is going to happen.

I lose control of myself, and start rummaging through my suitcase for a sharp object. no luck, except for a shaving razor. I pick apart the razor and take a blade and lock myself into the bathroom. the rest isn't pretty. let's just say I had a lot more to hide now than I did 7 hours ago.


oookay so there's chapter five. it's really late here and I have testing tomorrow so now I have precisely 6 hours of sleep. I'll try to write more tomorrow, sorry this took so long! peaceskies.
-bella x

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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