Smoke in the house

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I had dozed off in my seat. The next day was a Saturday and the whole house reverberated with chores. We usually cleaned the house like it was dragged out of the mud. When I went to take the trash out Lucy followed me. Surprisingly Ava was also outside, taking the trash out. She hadn't noticed me at first. I stole a glance from her sideways. Her hair was newly done. Her face would not stop glowing. But she wasn't smiling. Her facial expression was closer to a frown. I started to wonder if she had a disorder that she wasn't willing to share. The reason for the swings in her mood we're still very unclear to me. But the more mystery, I more I wanted to know about her. Maybe get closer to her. So much that I imagine myself in her space. Ava was the type who kept everything locked up.

"Woof!" Lucy barked.

Ava then looked over to where I was. She had her eyebrows raised.

"Hi." I said feeling somewhat cute.

"Hey." she replied. She had a look of indifference.

As I stared at her for minutes without realizing what I was doing, no words came out of my mouth. And by the time I found my consciousness she was waving bye as she walked back into the house.


After rounds of back breaking set of chores. I wasn't quite feeling tired yet. I decided to sit down and battle my maths once more.

"What's up?"

"Not now Jake."

"I see you're doing some mad-mathics."

"Shut up please."

"The skies are blue and the moon is red... what figure of speech is that?"

"That's English Jake." I turned to look at him. "Seriously?"

"Okay then. I'll leave you to nerd up all you want."

Jake came back to my desk after a thought.

"Just do me a favor. Employ me when you become a billionaire or millionaire."

"Get away Jake." I laughed.

The moon is red? Really?

After about  5 hours. I decided to take a break. Before my whole brain melts. I got up from my chair feeling very heavy and back pains. I dropped into the shower and got dressed up.



Mum and Dad had gone for a couple's treat. One of the few happy times that I get to see them together. Not being workaholics. I trotted down the stairs into the living room. Jacob was nowhere to be found. It was weird that he couldn't even hear me calling his name. I went outside and still couldn't find him. He wouldn't possibly have gone out without informing me.

I decided to check the compound. Still no sign of him. But as I approached our back yard for the final check. I could see a faint air of smoke drifting into the air. It was the kind that made your mind assume what it was in an instant.

And I was right. Jacob was right there with a shocked look on his face.

"What are you doing?"

Jacob had a rolled up weed in his hand. His face looked red. He quickly stood up. "Hey, it's not what you think?"

"Jake it's self evident. What do you mean?"

"Listen... I do it to control my nerves."

"This is illegal! What do you think mum and dad are going to say?"

"I do it to control my aggression. Toby."

"And it helps okay?" "Chill out."

Jacob placed his hand on my shoulder as I shot him a look of pain.

"It's no big deal. I do my thing. You do your thing. No one has to know."

Jacob then came up close. "Especially not mum and dad. You know what that will cause."

I shot a laser gaze through his eyes. I shook my head a little.

"Hey. I got you. And you got me right?"

I hesitated. I wasn't sure what to do or how to react. What if I start acting like him?


"Alright kiddo." "We're good."

"Let's go play some games." He said rubbing my hair.

I guess we all have our secrets. Jacob was into drugs. My parents are struggling in their relationship. I am in love with Ava, obviously. But what is Ava's secret? Nobody knows...

I was seated in class. Bored out of my mind. Waiting for this torture to stop. I was being taught the subject I hated the most in the entire universe. Almost everyone in my class hated it too. Geography. The very bane of my existence.

Mr Mensah had just called someone to answer a question. Poor boy wasn't listening. Then he asked someone else. Sophie. She answered correctly and everyone clapped.

"Hey. What are you looking at?"

I turned to my back. It was one of Christopher's boys.

"If I were you. I'd face my business."

Panic struck me. I faced the front and kept mute. After class everybody was rushing to go home. I packed my bags and zoomed out of class.

Jacob had gone home already. He had finished before me and staying around without his friends would have been a nightmare for him. So I was left all alone to walk home. Except, I met Ava on the way...

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