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Almost two weeks has passed when you started working at Nintendo; it's Thursday today. Ever since you got Johnny's number, you started texting him on the phone, and he was always more than happy to text back; he would even text you a simple good morning whenever he could.

Alongside that, you actually began hanging out with Jonathan and Mike while on some of your breaks! And, even on a couple of days of working there, Johnny decided to make himself comfortable in the group too— despite Jonathan oddly thinking otherwise. Honestly was surprising to see him put in effort on actually protesting— let alone even protest at all— for Johnny to hang around you guys. Maybe some controversy happened in the past that still stuck to him— that's just your theory though.

Speaking of Jonathan, you got to know him a little more throughout the past few days that you've been there. He was actually a pretty nice guy with most people; he was someone that's lenient with most of the mysterious characters around the office (especially Henry).

You even discovered during one of your conversations that Jonathan has a child. And the reason of how you knew this? He had to clock out early to pick up his son— an emergency came up during school hours. Someday, you hoped that he might introduce you to his little youngin. It might sound weird, but you just like kids because of their innocence— and maybe because you still have that little kid version of yourself reminiscent inside you: carefree, irresponsible, and oblivious at certain times.

So far, it was the most fun that you've had working in years; even though you weren't getting paid for your work... since you're only an intern. For now, the only real paying job that you have is doing design commissions for small businesses; the thing is, it's just something that you do on the side. Getting commissions only happens once and awhile, since the projects that you are requested to create are pretty time consuming. But, it does have good pay, and how else are you gonna pay for bills and other necessities?

A small notification noise from your phone attracts your full attention; it was most likely Johnny sending you a text. Quickly, you pat your clothes down on your body, wanting to get any unwanted wrinkles out, then went for your phone that was resting on your nightstand. You picked it up and checked it— and your assumption was right— Johnny texted you.

'hey (N/N)! good morning! can't wait to see ya later at work! :p'

A joyous feeling developed in you from the little message, making you smile and carelessly let out a few lighthearted chuckles. Who would have thought that something as simple as acknowledgement could make your day? You responded back, texting Johnny a simple thanks and that you couldn't wait to see him and the other guys later on.

Putting your phone in your pants pocket, you made your way out of your room and into your kitchen to grab a quick bite to eat. When there, you decided on just making yourself a couple pieces of toast— pretty much the only simple thing that you could make at the moment. You grabbed the packaged loaf of bread from the cabinet and opened it up, then grabbing a couple of pieces and stuck them in the toaster. You put the loaf back and patiently waited for them to finish. Letting out an exasperated sigh from the morning drowsiness, you took a glance at the clock on the microwave to check the time.


Usually your first class starts at 9:30, so you usually wake up early as to not rush getting ready in the morning. You've done that before— during your early years of college— and let's just say that you were still trying to wake up on the road; you almost crashed that day. That moment sure woke you up and made you more alert of your surroundings. Not even the most caffeinated coffee could wake you up more during that day... and the day after that.


The sudden sound of the toaster granting you your toast caught your attention. You grabbed the two pieces and inserted one of them into your mouth, not even phased by how scorching hot it was just coming out of the toaster. Now heading for the living room, you grab your belongings while chomping down on your first piece of plain toast. You head out of your home and went on your merry way to the campus.

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