Cold (Part 1/?)

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~Hey everyone! Sorry for not uploading anything is quite a long time, but i am hoping to be writing a lot more. This story is going to be taking place sometime during the Cold War. Aleks is a Russian spy who may or may not know some information about where the USA is keeping their missiles and the launch codes for them and it is James job to find out... None of this really happened (Well except the cold war, that really did happen!) But the info i am mostly making up. Also, I dont know if all of the medical facts I am putting in this are 100% right. Just making it up as I go along... Hope you enjoy!~


Alarms were blaring and the lights were searching for the intruder that tripped the security system. I run between vehicles as the search lights are not focused on my current location. I get to the next vehicle just in time, one of the lights started to move in my direction and once it moves away again I see my get away, fuel drums. I quickly move towards them and start to shake them to see which ones are full. Just my luck one was empty. I quietly removed the lid and hopped inside, leaving the lid a little open so I dont suffocate on the fumes.

After a few hours the alarms stopped and the security calmed down. It was almost dawn and if I wanted to get out of this base I needed to act fast. I peeked out of the drum and saw that there were no soldiers near me. I just shake my head 'Wow, the Americans are as dumb as my superior says' I think as I hop out and run to the closest vehicle. 'I am close to the gate, but that will have security, so that is not a way out and the hole I made in the fence is on the other side of the base, with dawn quickly approaching that is also out... and they probably found that and have people - '

The sound of a large truck approaching pulled me out of my thoughts. I watched as at it went through the gates without being stopped. I quickly looked around and saw that there was a truck not to far away that was starting up. 'That is my way out!' Without being caught I moved quickly to the truck and climbed in the back. 'Damn it! Empty load!' I moved to the back of the truck hoping that the darkness of the covered truck will hide me enough to get out. 

Minutes passed before the truck started to move and just like I hoped it started to move towards the gate. 'Please don’t stop! Please don’t stop!' I thought and just like that my heart sank, the truck stopped and I heard footsteps heading towards the back of the truck. They lifted the heavy fabric and shined lights in. "DONT YOU DARE FUCKING MOVE!" One of the soldiers yelled as they drew they guns at me. I just put my hands up and followed their instructions.


"He was sneaky, we have to give him that" One of my co-workers said. "Yeah, but thankfully he was not sneaky enough" Jordan, my Superior replied. "Do you know what he was hear for?" Jordan asked. "No all we know about him is his name is Aleksandr Marchant. He is Russian, 23, born September 1, 1935 and went missing back in '51. No one has heard from him since then." Kevin reads from the file he had created about the spy. "And it just happens that the missing Russian magically appears in our base. What have you been able to get from him?" Jordan asked Kevin. "That is everything he was willing to tell us... And I did think he gave us a fake name tell I did a little digging in our files and found the information about his disappearance. The picture in the missing file matches him" Kevin told.

Ever since the 'war' started the US military started to keep track of all the Russians that mysteriously went missing. Most Russian spies were kidnapped and trained at a young age, most being around the ages of 12-16. Most have been found dead and mutilated, but there have been a few that have been found on our bases.

"That is why I called Corporal Wilson, Sir. I was hoping that you would approve my request for more aggressive interrogation techniques" Jordan pulled the file out of Kevin’s hands and quickly glanced over it. He looks at it and then up at me, closes the file and then hands it to me. "Get as much intelligence out of him as you can" Jordan starts to walk away. "Oh" he turns back to look at me, "Don’t kill him, not yet" I nod. 

Kevin directs me to the room they have been holding the spy. "How long has he been here?" I ask. "We caught him hiding in the back of one of our trucks as it was leaving the base. That was over 3 days ago. He has been held in room 3 with no food or water". "It looks like this kid watched too many movies. I am going to make a quick stop before heading into the room."


I don’t know how long I have been held in this room. Most of the time they have kept me in pitch blackness, really the only time the only time I get light is when they come and talk to me. I refuse to tell them anything, my supervisor told me that if I gave out information to anyone but him, my throat would be slit and I would never been seen again, but I am scared that the Americans will do the same thing to me.

I heard footsteps outside of my door. 'Oh yay, another talk'. The door unlocked and opened and I was blinded as they turned the lights on. Someone slid a chair and stopped in front of me. I heard the chair creek as someone sat down. I squeezed my eyes shut hopping it would help my eyes adjust. When I opened my eyes again i could see.

There is a different soldier in front of me this time. I wiggle against my restraints and when I do every muscle in my body ached from being held in the same position. The soldier in front of me pulled a bar of something out of his pocket and started to unwrap. It was that moment that I realized how hungry and thirsty I was. 'I can’t remember the last time I ate or drank anything' I thought. The soldier started to eat the bar. I just sat and watched hoping he would give me a piece, but I know that would never happen. 

"Oh, would you like some?" The soldier asked pointing the bar in my direction.  I just sat there and blinked. 'Do I answer and get laughed at or do I not say anything and risk him being a nice human being and was actually going give me a piece' "No? That’s ok, wasn’t really planning on giving you any. Just wanted to see how you would react." I roll my eyes.

He finished the bar and pulled a bottle of water. I just stare at the water. "Oh, I see. You thirsty?" I look down at the floor. 'If I don’t see it I won’t think about how much I want that water'. The soldier looked at me and tilted his head. He gets up and walks towards me. "Here" he puts the half empty bottle to my lips and starts to tilt it. Just before the water was about to hit my lips he pulled it away. "But before you get anything from me you have to give me something. What were you here for?". "I already told your buddy, I am not telling you anything" I spat. "That is ok. I have nothing but time"

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