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~Hey everyone. So I don't know what people like to call inner city trains. I call them LRT... Hope you guys enjoy~


It was Aleks birthday, so him and I decided to head into downtown Denver to celebrate. I decided to take him to his favourite place called, Pravda Vodka Bar.

I look at the clock hanging on my office wall, 7:58pm. 'Wow, this day has really flown by' I save the video I was editing and turn off my computer. I grab my stuff and head over the Aleks office. "Hey, you ready to go?" I asked him. He nods and goes back to fiddling with his computer. I stand there and watch as his computer starts to turn off. He grabs his things, stands and then we both leave the office.

We both got into Aleks car, him in the drivers seat and me in the passengers. He started it and pulled out of the spot. "So, where am I driving to?" he asks me. "Your place. We are going to drop your car off and take transit there." I reply. He stared blankly at me. "Are you serious?" I nod. "Why can't we just fucking drive?" "Just fucking drive home!" He shakes his head angrily but started to drive back to his house.

At his place, he decided that he should drop his things off and offered for me to leave my things at his place and he will just bring them to work tomorrow. I accepted the offer and placed my backpack on the bench by his front door. He then closed the door and we walked toward the bus stop. "Ok, now that we are taking fucking transit will you tell me where we are going?" he asks. "Nope, it is a surprize". "James, you know how I hate surprizes. Just fucking tell me!" I chuckle at how angry he is getting.

I look down the road and see our bus coming. I start digging in my pocket to pull out the change for it. Once I got it all out the bus was right in front of us. The doors opened and we both climbed inside. Aleks went for seats and the driver glared at him as he passed. I place all the change in my hand into the coin collector. "Two transfers please" I say to the driver. He rips two off and shoves them at me. I grab them and head towards the back of the bus with Aleks.

Once I sit down he bursts out laughing. I just look over and give him a confused look. "Dude, you should have seen your face when the driver shoved it at you!" he says in between laughs. Lucky for us our bus ride was a short one. Every once in a while the bus driver would shot death glares back at Aleks and I, and every time he did both Aleks and I would burst out laughing. We both got off the bus and headed over to the LRT.

The platform for the train was surprisingly empty, there was only 3 other people waiting. "This is pretty dead for a Friday night" I say. "Yeah, that is because people are driving their cars to the places they want to go" he shot back. "Hey, once you see where we are going you will see why we took transit and not a car". He huffed out a breath. "Fine, but on the way back we are paying for a cab... And by we I mean YOU!" He says.

I laugh. "Fine, but only because it is your birthday". We waited a few minutes before the train showed up. We both got in and found seats. It rode the train for a couple of stops before getting off. "Can you please just tell me where we are going?" Aleks asked. "What you don't recognize this place?" I question him. "No, I don't and now you are starting to scare me a little bit". I chuckle "Aleksandr, turn around and maybe that will help". He starts to spin in circles, "Nope, I still don't see anything" he says still spinning.

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