Each Other

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Thank you to my friend, Joy (@/whyiask on Tumblr), for letting me use some of the lines she thought up! Go check her out, he's a fantastic writer.

"What am I without you?"



Who am I meant to be

Without you next to me?

What am I without your guiding light

Without your shaking hands

That aren't shaking as much as mine

Lost my purpose, my direction

Without you, I have no goal, no destination

Who am I meant to be

Without you next to me?

With widened eyes

Stepping out of the spotlight time after time

But I couldn't see

The one stuck up in the spotlight was me

And you were back behind, always letting me shine

When the veil is pulled off

The mirror never lies

So much of me is all of you

You are more of me than I am of you

Who am I meant to be

Without you next to me?


Who you are is what you'll do

Without me, you're just you

You hold pieces and parts of me

But I just can't see what you can see in me

I am shattered glass

Barely held together

And I know it won't last

So why don't you set yourself free?

The mirror is shrouded in smoke

Veiled in confusion

Both of us are just living in isolation

You're made of so many parts of me

But without me, you're free to be yourself

Who you are is what you'll do

Without me, you're just you

Oh, you always shone in the spotlight

It was like you were made for this part in life

And so I let you take the lead

And I let you fulfill your needs

While I stood by your side, out of the spotlight

Who you are is what you'll do

Without me, you're just you


We're at checkmate, our final dawn

This isn't what we wanted, this isn't what we planned

I can't live without you, my darling friend

Listen, take my words to heart: you'll never be alone at all

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