part 2 no way this is real!

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Madara would keep watching the small horse look from left to right then behind its itself Madara would look at the pony. "I could probably kill it but" as he was thinking to himself hed see the horse's horn glow and a stick fly into the air before blowing up Madara would pinch him self to make sure he wasn't in a genjutsu. After seeing he wasn't hed think on it more before he came to a decision it was already gone "well that helped a lot what the hell even was that thing and why did the bone in its head glow" Madara would think on this as he walked back to the clearing he woke up in instead of giving Chase to the small creature "if only I wasn't low on chakra I would have killed it so I wouldn't have to later". as hes talking he had started gathering wood it didnt take long do to his incredible strong body but it had begun getting dark throwing the wood in the middle of his clearing he'd use a bit of chakra for a small fireball. starting his fire hed sit in front of it looking into the flames thinking back to his old world and the wars that he had started and ended but as he started thinking deeper he'd hear his old friend and rival Hashirama: You rushed things too much, Madara. There was no reason for us to perfect our dreams during our generation. We should have focused on how to entrust our dreams to those who come after us...That's the important thing. Either way, we're going to die now. Next time we meet, let's have a drink together on the other side... old war buddies. "a drink with my old war buddies sounds pretty good right about now...." Madara would close his eyes and at last, reached a dream one with no odd looking horses.

(I hate you all) Madera x mlp isekiaWhere stories live. Discover now