Chapter 6: Geppetto and Libby's Reunion

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After his release in 1980, Libby hugged Geppetto together again in peace. 

While the two found a Jumanji board game, they started to play it in the living room of his building in Tennessee. It's the Jumanji board game from the 1995 movie 'Jumanji.'

As Libby rolled the dice, she said:

"In the jungle, you must wait, until the dice read five or eight!"

And so she did, she was sucked into a board game.

(WARNING: Contains violence and graphic content) When in the jungle, the animals will attack Libby, first, the tigers gnawed Libby's guts and face until her eyes popped out. Second, the jungle animals and the vampire bats attacked Libby and she died and vultures feed her flesh.

And Geppetto is like:
Geppetto: (crying) Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

The End!

The end of the story has a bad ending! And Geppetto himself committed suicide using a shotgun.

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