Doctor's Visit

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As kids, one of the scariest moments in our lives is when our parents look at our school grades, as adults, one of the scariest things is falling in love. Montgomery Langston was in love, so much that he forsook all the previous times he thought he had loved someone. It had almost been two years since he met the love of his life, driving down the freeway he remembers the way she broke him down; not in a bad way... but she broke down every wall he had built up and dismissed the facade of a gangster he was whenever she came around. He continues to have flashbacks of her kisses, the way she would apply her lipgloss a second time after he smooched it all off the first.

"Damn, what am I doing..." he muttered to himself, listening to the loud exhaust roar and the turbo whistling when he changed from third to fourth gear. He was almost there, and would have been much sooner if he didn't look up at the rear view mirror and saw flashing blue lights.

"Fuck" ...

Pulling over, he switched off the AC and wound down the tinted windows. The officer exited his vehicle and approached Montgomery on the driver's side of his car.

"Mr. Langston, nice car... what is this, M4?" The officer asked.

"Uh yeah..." Montgomery answered while biting his nails.

"I know you're not the type of man to be nervous, but you seem a bit jittery... mind telling me why you're doing 75 in a 50?"

Montgomery took his hand away from his mouth slowly and smiled with his head hung low.

"I actually have a therapy session that I'm late for, I'll try to keep it under 50. We cool?"

The officer agreed and looked around before stretching his hand inside the Amethyst Purple painted BMW M4, accepting a few crumpled notes that added up to $400.

"Have a good therapy session Mr. Langston."


Before the officer could get back into his radio car, he watched and listened as Montgomery sped off leaving dust behind, dishonoring the promise of keeping within the speed limit.
Finally, he had arrived to his destination, he looked up at the familiar white building that he once knew so well. Taking a deep breath, he entered the yard and began calling for someone to answer, but there was silence. Taking out his cell, he dialed Ruth..

'Ring.. Ring.. Ring..' but no answer.

"I wonder," he said, right before dialing another number; Dr. Moore.

The phone rang twice and she picked up.

"Are you sleeping?" He asked impulsively.

"Who is this?" She answered with a question of her own.

"Come on Doc, this is Mr. Langston, don't tell me you've forgotten my voice."

"Monte?! What... yes.. I was sleeping.. what are you calling about?"

"I'm outside your place and I'm here for a therapy session." He responded being coy.

"I can't believe you... Christ! Crazy people... I'll be right out."

Monte laughed as he hung up the phone, knowing her the way he did, he knew he would be waiting outside for another twenty minutes... and so he went back to the car and turned on the AC and some music. As anticipated, 22 minutes had passed and he heard the locks to the front door being opened. Ruth exited the house and met him on the other side of the grilled veranda, she hadn't seen him in a year, and as he stood before her she still had not laid eyes on him except for his feet.

"Good morning sir, how are you?" She asked as she unlocked the grill too, and marching past Monte to take out some trash.

"Uh.. I'm good, yeah.. yourself?" He answered with a grin, knowing she had been inside overreacting before she finally came to the door.

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