The Cabin Sessions: Bloody.. Deer?

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She danced and frolicked about nonsensically in a sudden dream before opening her eyes, the tune that had serenaded her brain waves turned out to be the ringtone of her cell.

"Mhmm" she answered half-consciously

"Ruth, don't tell me you're still sleeping," Monte's voice creeped into her ear, with eyes wide opened she sat up straight and saw her messy haired reflection staring back at her through the mirror before her bed.

"No!" She yelled, "I was... brushing my teeth" she continued, also fixing her mouth to force a spit of air, perfecting her lie.

"Okay, are you sure you don't want us to travel together?" He asked.

"No, that's fine, I think it's best I drive my car and meet you there, seeing as I'm 'going on vacation' ...yeah?"

"Yeah, no you're right. So, uh, I'll meet you at the cabin in about two hours."

"Yes, Monte."

The truth is, Ruth couldn't have cared less if she drove or not, she just remembered how long she took to get ready and didn't want to have him wait. Montgomery took this opportunity to arrive at the cabin first, to make sure he was pleased with the preparations after hiring a whole team to beautify it in one day. When he arrived, one person was left on the premises, he watched her through the glass window in the front as she lit the candles around the interior as per his request. The woman heard the loud vehicle come to a stop and moved towards the door. When she opened it he was already on the other side.

"Mr. Langston, you're a wee bit early you are," the English woman said.

"Ahh, just making sure everything is in tip top shape." Monte answered in a mimic.

"Well I've finished my portion, the bath has been prepared to your specification, as with everything else."

Monte smiled at hearing, seeing and smelling the newly cleaned and decorated cabin.

"You guys sure are good at what you do, thanks so much for doing this on such short notice."

The woman smiled back and said, "thank you for you generosity, you're the one who paid triple my fee for me to move you up in the schedule."

She saw herself out and left Monte to the wooden structure. Anticipating Ruth's arrival, he paced back and forth repeatedly while helping himself to some whiskey, on the rocks in a beautiful diamond carafe. Dressed like the perfect host, Montgomery was clad in a pair of black trousers and suede dress shoes with rhinestone chromed pointy toes, topped with a simple white shirt and his watch to match. After what seemed like a considerable amount of time, the doctor showed up. The headlight from her red Prius shone in through the glass window and dazzled his eyes as he took the final sip from the carafe and moved hastily toward the door to meet her. The weather was overcast and the woods seemed to be somewhat dark although it was morning, they were expecting a short thunderstorm that morning to afternoon.

"Mr. Langston," she said smiling beneath her glasses.

"Doc, it's nice of you to finally show up. Right this way." He answered, taking her arm into his own and placing her bags a little distance away from the door as he closed it.

"I'm sorry, hear me out, I think maybe we should set some ground rules before we get too comfortable."

Monte grinned as he heard her suggestion, "ground rules she says, go on then."

"You said you had some decisions to make and you need counsel, which you generously paid for, I know what happened Saturday morning when you came to visit... and it was mindblowing... but I think we should take sex off the table for this little vacation."

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