Jealously (Jealous Rui x Reader)

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A/N: art from show!!

It's only been a week sense Rui added you to his "family" but not as a sibling,parent or some type of family member no he gave you the role of "friend". Everyone seemed to like you especially his brother at first you thought the boy(?) was creepy mainly because of his looks but once you got know him he was actually really funny though he liked to flirt with you a lot which would sometimes make you blush. Rui on the other hand never liked this he would always scold his brother by saying things like "there my friend not yours!!" or "your the brother your not supposed to be friends with MY friend!!" And his brother would always make some snarky remark and every time Rui would harshly grab your arm or wrist and drag you some where else  with him.  (not me while writing this wanting to make his brother x reader one shot book-)

But today was different once you woke up and went to say good morning to the adorable spooder boy known as Rui he just gave you a harsh glare and went back to "eating" you just shrugged it off thinking he was in one of his moods or something and sat down next to him trying to start a conversation but he just ignored you and to be honest this started to break your heart cause you were starting to grow rather fond of him and out of no where his brother hung down infront of you which made you jump even though he did that every morning it would get you every time and every time he would laugh like the gremlin he was and you would just puff your cheeks up full of air and make a upset face like a child which would just add to his laughter at that moment Rui stood up and left the room you wanted to leave to see what was wrong but his brother already started talking to you so you stayed 

Eventually you were able to leave finding Rui outside you ran up to him but he started walking away "Rui-senpai what's wrong you've been avoiding me all day" he replied harshly "nothing" you ran out infront of him stopping him from walking "just tell m whats wrong..I am your friend aren't I" he was looking to his side "thats what I thought" you tilted your head in confusion and after a couple of minutes you finally pieced it together laughing you said "your jealous" you finally looked at squinting his eyes "I am not jealous" you laughed again "huh and im not a Smartas-" he cut you off by pinning you against a near by tree a deep blush rose to your cheeks

A/N: hehe >:D I think ima end it right there ill possibly make a part two if you guys want one that is~   (HOLY SHIT THIS IS SO FUCKING CRINGY ADHSJKD IM SORRY YALL!)

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