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Taylor walked into his apartment with shopping bags strapped into his arms. He had to quickly arrange these items because he had an appointment with Mrs. Light at 4:00pm sharp. She was known to take this timing very seriously. This was 2:00pm, the countdown starts now...

He quickly went to his room and dropped all the shopping bags. He took three out of the bags and walked to the kitchen. Like every other room in this apartment it was a shade of blue. It was sky blue with orange kitchen fittings. He quickly brought out the food items and spread them on the marble counter. He then picked them one by one and kept them in the appropriate place.


He went to his room, took the clothes and kept them in a particular section of his wardrobe. Then he took the books to his half study half workshop half lab and arranged them neatly in a shelf there. He quickly headed towards the kitchen to make himself a snack.


He needed to go over his presentation and study some needed books so his food must allow that. He opted for sandwiches and orange juice. He also needed to eat light so as to be fit for the race down to Mrs. Light's place.


His snack was ready he sat down eating and meticulously going over his books.


Fully fed and prepared he took his backpack, put on some new sneakers he bought and hit the road. He took a train down the town where Mrs. Light lived and by 3:50 he was on her street. He ran to her front gate and clicked on the bell. A scanner popped up and he flashed a special card that she gave him just for this purpose. He entered and dashed through the front door without knocking since she must be aware of his presence.

Her main office was the fourth floor of her modern house complex and he literally flew up the stairs.


He was about to dash through the double glass doors intricately designed that led to her office when he heard a cry. It was a little boy. He stopped. He went over to the boy and inquired...

"What's the matter kiddo?"

Sniffing the boy looked up at him and wiped his eyes replying with sobs in between "I could have done pretty well in my math test but I was too slow, number 1 was pretty tricky and by the time I finished it half the time was gone...sobs... if only I had listened to advice and left it...sniff... now I got a really low score and mum may be mad...full blown crying..."

"Look kid I don't have much time but I'll tell you something. We all make mistakes in life and time doesn't always seem to be on our side. But what makes us stronger is the fact that we lose with dignity and learn from our mistakes not repeating them again. You are a smart boy with your own principles and some may be wrong. It isn't bad to be wrong you just have to try and get it right next time. Learn from today's failure. Don't cry, it will be okay, tell your mum the truth, she may scold you but she loves you."

The boy became better considerably, nodded his head and wiped his tears and walked off determined. Taylor smiled but then...


He barged into the office to see an ever dignified Mrs. Light shaking her head. She checked her watch.


"You are one minute late boy and to top that you barged into my office disrespectfully. Please give me a reason why I should attend to you." Her confident voice boomed.

Oh boy, despite all the hard work. He shouldn't have gone shopping today. He had to find a way to make her reconsider.

"Ma'am I know I came below your standard but please consider the times when I was above it and also the fact that it was by a low value that I came below your standards. If it is enough then you should indulge me for the sake of your trust in me ma'am. I think it will benefit us both if this meeting holds saving your time and energy." He said.

TIMELINE; Volume 1:The Age of TimeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora