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          The Professor’s project 

     Taylor walked up the stairs thinking of his encounter with Tess. As they talked he saw something he hasn’t seen in her eyes before, something between trust and pleading. She was encouragingly expecting something and begging him; if that made any sense. It was weird. In her eyes there was usually mischievousness or darkness or innocence. This was new. It is obvious she wants something from him now. It is proven.

       He went to the highest floor of the house. He met Professor William closing up his tool box. There were three more like this. Taylor offered to carry the largest along with some texts.

“Thanks, I need to be ready for this project. No mistake must be made.” The professor said.

“I assume since we are moving outside the lab, this project is large in size and since you are hyping it, it is large in worth too.” Taylor said as they left the lab.

“Yes, it is large in both worth, size and prestige. I was afraid that during this semester it would only be teaching especially after my big discovery last week. I made cash from that discovery and everyone thought I should be okay now with the success even my wife and daughter…” as he mentioned his daughter his cheerful voice dropped. “Taylor, don’t take this badly but what is going on between you and Tess?”

“She took my taylerizer and caused a big ruckus at school. I needed to clear some stuff.” Taylor replied nonchalantly as they descended the stairs.

“Oh...” the professor answered.

            They got outside and went to the backyard of the professor’s house an immediately laid down all the tools on the grass. The professor started explaining the project to Taylor. 

“I am naming the machine a Desron. It is a device that takes atmospheric energy from the matter it surrounds. See, it’s going to be octagonal with a space in the middle. Here take this it will help you understand better.” He paused to hand Taylor a file containing well labeled diagrams, features and pictures of the device.

“The electrons of the matter contained are stimulated causing them to be hyper charged and unstable. A special blue radiation then excites the already excited electrons further. This radiation was the discovery I made last week, Tyros rays. These rays are pure energy rays with a little of sonic properties in them. They travel as bouncing photons from one atom to another. They vibrate matter unlike usual photons in their motion hence they are felt not as heat but as tingling sensations. I’ll tell you more about them later. These rays will vibrate the unstable electrons absorbing energy from them. Electricity will be introduced to facilitate exchange of energy.  Though I still need a way to ensure the energy is exchanged. Once that happens the reflective inner part of the device makes sure the rays repeat the activity. The device can be used to intercept signal, absorb atmospheric energy and send hyper radiations. The government needs it to fix a confidential issue. Albert-Com needs it for telecommunication purposes. The other is a TV company that needs its signal properties. I don’t know what the third company needs it for. Though, I am particularly happy about it because we get to mix matter and energy. It opens up various opportunities for me.” He stopped talking to look at Taylor. 

Taylor was intrigued. He was sure the kid was even more excited than he was.

“Wow, this is literally working on energy radiations. Forget intercepting signals; add a bit of quantum physics and this can aid space exploration. In space there is few matter and more energy. This could allow for stronger means of information transmission on earth. We could also just suck energy from the sky. When do we start? You are so cool sir.” Taylor said his orange eyes shining. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2022 ⏰

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