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We sat in silence. The question that kept running through my head "If Aniyah caught on wouldn't the boys catch on too?"

"This is so frustrating," I say. "Y/n just chill okay." I looked at him and just glared. Did he just tell me to chill? "What do you mean chill? One of our friends knows we're fooling around." He must want me to lose my shit.

"Look everything will be okay. The boys are dumb it'll take them years to find out about what we've been doing." Logan tries to reassure me that everything will be fine but I just feel it in my gut that one of them knows. "I feel so stupid Lowg! We should've never had sex in the first place."

The sex was good don't get me wrong but the guys and I have been friends since elementary school and me sleeping with Logan could possibly ruin the friendship.

"Y/n please calm down, just trust me on this one. I promise everything will be fine the boys won't find out." He keeps trying to calm me down but I just can't. I always overthink things and it messes me up.

He pulls me into a hug. "Just stop thinking about it. Let's talk about something else." I let out a sigh. "Like what?" I say. "I don't know just something to stop you from freaking out." I release myself from his hold. "I need a blunt. Let's go see Frank."I grab my phone and hit Frank up.

Y/n👾: Ay dumbass

Frank🤯: what stupid

Y/n👾: You got some weed? I'm stressed tf out!

Frank🤯: Yeah, but it was originally for me and me only

Y/n👾: Cmon dude all the times I've shared with your dumbass

Frank🤯: Idk cause you like to hog the blunt every time

Y/n👾: I promise I won't this time. I just need to calm my nerves

Frank👾: Alright but you gotta buy the rello

Y/n👾: Yeah I know....broke ass

I get up off my bed and slip on my shoes and grab my keys. "So smoking is the solution to all your problems huh?" he asks me. "Uh duh! What's your fucking it out?" A smirk grew on his face as he walked towards me. "Why do you look like that?" he kept getting closer. "Maybe I can help calm you down." This horny mfer. "Lowg we already did it today."

He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me towards him. I tried to keep some space between us but he's a little stronger than me. "Lowg move."  He smiles. "No." He plays so much. "Let go of me stupid." I say but he won't loosen his hold. "Why you gotta call me names?" He asks me with that stupid smile on his face. "Because I want to."

He lets out a chuckle. "Come on Lowg I gotta go to the store." he smacks his lips. "I don't care what you gotta do." I try to act serious. "Logan when I said this was the last time I meant all of this too. You can't be all up on me like this anymore." He nuzzled his head in the crevice of my neck. "Logan stop you know I'm ticklish right there."

Soon he started kissing my neck. Not gonna lie I was gonna miss the way his lips felt on my skin and the way he touched me. But us stopping whatever this was is for the best I think... He kept kissing my neck and found my sweet spot. I let out a whimper. "Ight Lowg that's enough."

He started to suck on my neck. He's definitely gonna leave a mark there. I bite my lip to try and suppress my moan but that didn't help. I felt his smirk against my skin. If he didn't stop we'd be right back where we started. Clothes everywhere and wrapped up inside my sheets.

*doors busts open"

"Hey, y'all wanna come with to Franks with me?" Logan stops attacking my neck. I clear my throat and push him away. "I was just about to head over." I say. I noticed Aniyah trying not to laugh at the scene she just witnessed. "Don't look like that to me." She starts laughing. Logan starts to laugh along with her. "What you laughing at?" I address Logan. "Because if it wasn't for Aniyah bursting in here you wouldn't be going anywhere." I punched him on the arm. He grabs his arm in pain. "See you ain't laughing now bitch."

"Y/n you might want to cover those up." Aniyah says to me. I look into my mirror to see hickeys plastered on my neck. "Lowg grab me a hoodie, please." After I get the hoodie from Logan I grab my keys, wallet and head out the door. "I can't stand him sometimes." I say to Aniyah. She just rolls her eyes and gets inside the car.

Just Friends-Logan Mendoza (fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now