Demonic Dissection

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"Ehh, despite her attitude, she's the first to arrive late" Sensei commented

Even though it was a remark full of obvious pettiness, he wasn't wrong either.... It had been nearly four weeks now since we first enrolled, and Sakayanagi would now be the first to arrive late

"Can't blame the brat, your training is really just a form of torture" Ryuuen look at Sensei with dreary eyes

He looked terrible, an obvious restless night. And though Koenji looked about the same, there was no telling what he had experienced as well

Using them as the base, it was obvious that Sakayanagi had gone through the same.

All of this was the source of Sensei's training, a metallic bracelet strapped to the wrist of the three of them.

As the only three in our class able to successfully use TCB, they were the only ones to immediately advance to the next tier in our training regiment.

They were being forced to use TCB at all times, the bracelet being used as the medium to do so. It would constantly detect the amount of oxygen each breath they took contained, and if it wasn't up to standard, they would receive a strong electrical pulse

"Torture? It's simply my attempt to..... no yeah it's pretty much tortu-" Sensei was cut off as Sakayanagi slammed the classroom door open

"Would you look at that, you decided to show up?" Sensei teased

"Be quiet. If you didn't keep insisting on meeting up so early before class, I wouldn't be in this situation" Sakayanagi stammered

She didn't even have the energy to speak to him in a demeaning manor, but rather spoke as if it was more of a chore.

That was also true..... technically this isn't even our actual class time, yet Sensei would still force us to attend nearly two hours before school started.

It was difficult for everyone to adjust to, and more so for the big three of the class who couldn't even receive a proper rest.

"You'll thank me in the future, if you make it that is" he smiled

"Who do you think you're talking to? I'll crush your expectations" Ryuuen angrily spat

"Ehhh, get through your shock bracelet first, then you can tell me that" Sensei smiled

"Enough. What was the purpose of meeting today? Is it simply to train more? If so, I can, unfortunately, do that even in my sleep now" Koenji ushered Sensei along

Perhaps he wasn't faring too well with TCB either.

"C'mon Sensei, can't we just hold these meetings after school. If I keep having to wake up this early I might ram my head straight into a demon" Ike pleaded

"Please kill yourself in a less troubling way, it'll at least lessen the hate people already have for you" Shinohara retorted

"People hate me?!" Ike seemed confused, to which Shinohara face palmed in return

"Gentlemen! Ladies! Calm down.... And no, I won't change the meeting times, I have stuff to do after class" Sensei answered Ike

We also have stuff to do though.....

"Anyway, I told you kids to gather here so I could show you something" he drummed his hands on the podium

"If it's more training, please just kill me instead" Ike sighed

"I'll gladly do it even if it isn't more training" Ibuki seethed at him, seemingly annoyed at his continuous talking

"It's.... Kind of more training? Honestly it's more of a hands-on learning experience" Sensei explained

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