the note

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Roc's pov

She left me here horny as fuck ughhh I got her she gonna get it I got in the shower first it was cold to help with my situation then I warmed it up after I was not that turned on I got on and got dressed and went to get something to eat

Imani's pov

I went home ny family is rich and my mom and dad all always away on business trips so I have the house to my self I went to the kitchen and ate than I went upstairs and showered and put my pajamas on and went to bed then the door bell rang I went to go get it there was a box I picked it up and opened it it was picture of me I felt kinda creeped me out I just left it there and went back to bed

I woke to the feeling of someone starring at me I sat up there was a note on my dresser I read it

I know your secret and if you want to keep it a secret than meet me at 173 canary road during your lunch and might I ask why Roc Royal out of people

I hurried up and got dressed and left I went to school and when I got there I went straight to roc's locker to see if he was there than I was pulled in to a closet it was roc he started kissing me I pulled away even tough I didn't want to I gave him the note he read it and his face fell

Roc:how do you know if it's this secrets

Imani:what other secret would there be

Roc:I don't know but your going

Imani:of course I'm going

Roc:ok um that means we gotta lay low for awhile

Imani:yea um I'm not coming over for a few weeks

Roc:ummm I can't go that long without you

Imani:well deal with it

I left and went to the bathroom I cried someone walked in

Averi:are you ok

Imani:no someone found out


Imani:I don't know read it*hands her the note*

Averi:*reads it and hands it back*are you going


Averi:I'm going to


I cleaned myself up and I remember that I didn't take my morning after pill so I took it and we left to go to class

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