Chapter Three: On my own

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It’s been a few days since I fought for my freedom. The days seem to flown by in a daze and I can’t really remember all the details about what had happened on that awful day, All I know is that it had something to do with that awful pain in my gut. But since that fight I haven’t experienced the same pain so that’s alright I guess, I still have my bruise from being smashed on my side from Snaps but it’s not a bother, I'm used to her beatings from when I have dis-obeyed her or from being a smart mouth.

One plus side at least is the others got away, Well… I hope they got away. I still haven’t seen any sign of Lock, Luck and the others. All I know is that there not in the Bazaar anymore. Snaps has returned back to the orphanage empty handed. I watched in the shadows as she packed up her cart…alone, empty handed and limping up the step to the driver’s side. I must have caused that injury when I punched her through the wall.

“Well duh Finny” I mumbled

I have always wanted freedom from that orphanage and I now finally have it, the only problem is I have no idea what to do next, I didn’t think I’d even make it this far. I'm technically on red alert with all the slave traders around here so I have to hide most of the time, plus I'm broke and no stable place to call home. Good thing it doesn’t rain in the Bazaar and the humidity is pretty stable so I'm able to sleep outside in peace. My current sleeping place is behind a giant dumpster. Since I have a slim frame I'm able to hide in just about any small space, Guess it was all that practice from the snapper. My growling stomach quickly interrupted my thoughts.


“It’s been three days since I have eaten anything. I gotta get some food soon… But I don’t have any money. Guess I have to borrow some food for now and pay later.”

I have never stolen food before I'm not what you call thief inclined, even at the orphanage Snaps always kept the kitchen on lockdown so we could never steal anything. I walked into the Bazaar and watched as clerks and traders as they sold and swap their produce and products. I have only seen food that was slightly rotten… it seemed so tempting to just run over grab as much as I can and run for the hills. I gulped as I walked over to a clerks cart eying down what he had to offer. I noticed the clerk eying me, He must had one look at my clothes to want to approach me with a glum expression.

“Is there anything I can help you with?” with a gruff old but kind voice.

My stomach tied in a knot. I felt extremely nervous.

“Umm how much is that stuff in this crate?”

I saw the clerk’s eyebrow raised.

“That crate have pompom berries in it, they are 4 bronze coins for a bag”

“Oh I said in a dimmed tone. Well thanks anyway”

I walked away ears dropped

“There’s no way I can steal from him. He is just trying to make a living and I can’t take him out of a sale. Stealing is wrong even I know that. I guess I just got to earn some money to buy stuff.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2015 ⏰

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