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He stares down at me, a gently smile playing on his lips as he removes his hand from my chin. He raises his arm for me to take before we begin to walk.

His face is almost familiar, but I can't place where I've seen it.

He's tall, very tall, towering over me so much that I have to tilt my head back to look into his eyes. His sharp features contrast with the soft blue of his eyes, creating the feeling of a strong protector but a gentle lover.
Whomever becomes his lover will be very lucky.

He guides me to a beautiful looking building in the noblemen's village.

Why am I even here?
He's a Noble.
I shouldn't be here.

My feet halt as we near the front doors. The abrupt notion cause me to tug on Thomas's arm.

He looks to me.

"What is it?" He asks, his brows furrowing.

"I'm not a Noble," I say in hushed tones, "I don't belong here."

"Hush now," he steps in front of me, and raises my eyes to his by my chin again, "you are in my company, your status means nothing when you are by my side, Darling."

My stomach flutters at the term. 

"Keep your chin high," he removes his hand, "if you act and believe as though you belong, people will believe it too. Understand?"

"Yes, sir," I nod slightly.

I watch his jaw clench briefly before holding his arm out for me to take again. I do so and we enter the fancy building.

The lights are dim and a string quartet plays somewhere within. Couples and groups sit at cloth covered tables covered in food and different drinks as they laugh and talk with one another.

"Hello sir," the woman at the greeting stand smiles at us, "table for two?"

"Yes please," he smiles back at her as I look around the room again.

Everyone is in fancy evening wear. Suits and ties, dresses and pearls or diamonds.

I'm far too underdressed to be here.

Thomas must have sensed my nerves because he clasps his large had over my small one, making me look at him.

"Chin high," he mouths, giving my hand a slight squeeze.

I nod and stand a bit straighter as I grip his arm.

The woman asks us to follow her as she leads us to a small table near one of the large windows.

"What can I get you to drink?" The woman asks as we take our seats.

"White wine, please," Thomas says quickly.

She turns to me.

"Oh um just water please," I look down a bit and mess with my fingers, picking at the calluses on my fingertips.

"Okay I'll be right back," she says before walking away.


I look across from me, finding Thomas already looking at me with a stern look.

"What did I say about that chin?"

"Keep it high," I raise my head back up.

"Good girl."

Again my stomach flutters.

I can feel my cheeks heat up a bit but I hold his gaze.

"How old are you, Darling?" He asks, leaning in on his elbows.

In The Glint of His DaggerWhere stories live. Discover now