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I dress myself in more casual midgardian clothing as I prepare to meet Lilith at the school. Perhaps this will deter more judgment being bestowed upon her when we are seen together.

I look to the gown hanging beside my mirror and smile.

It's the gown Lilith had been enamored but in the shop. I had gone back after mother had left for the evening and purchased it so Lilith can wear it at the gala.

I recall the number on my arm.

She has to be the one.
She was made for me.

But even if she's not, my heart desires her and will forever desire her.


My spirits sink a bit.

She is mortal.

She will pass long before I do.

"No," I shake the thought from my mind, "I can find a spell. One that can make her live just as long as I do. Or perhaps mother can."

I can keep her by my side.

She will be my queen.
My wife.

My eternity.

I look to the mirror again, seeing my green eyes and raven hair.

But she does not know me as Loki.

I cast my illusion and spell.

She knows me as Thomas.

I will have to tell her.


But what if she turns me away?

"Nonsense," I scold myself, "she would never do such a thing," my frow furrows, "would she?"

I stare into my reflection as if it will give me the answer.

I sigh and teleport myself outside the Nobleman's housing.

I make my way to the school house when Lilith will be dropping Tali off soon.

I wait, watching children and their guardians arrive, searching the faces for the one I want to see.

I smile stretches across my face when I finally do see her, Tali clutching her hand as they make their way to the door.

I go to them and Tali's smile falters a bit before she looks up to her sister.

She lets go over her hand and begins to move her own, gesturing to me at the end.

"This is Thomas," Lilith moves her hands as she speaks as well and Tali seems mouths the word 'oh' before looking to me with a smile and moving her hands again.

It takes me a few seconds to realize what she's doing.

She's signing.
She can't hear, or perhaps she can't speak.

"She says it's nice to meet you," Lilith translates.

I try to recall how to sign back to her. It's a tad difficult as I haven't used sign in nearly a century.

"It's nice to meet you to, Tali," I say while roughly signing back.

"You know sign?" Lilith asks, eyes gleaming with curiosity.

"Only a bit," I conference, "I haven't had to use it in a long time so I'm a bit out of practice. But I'm willing to learn again."

Lilith smiles brightly at me before Tali tugs on her arm to get her attention.

"Lover?" She signs, pointing to me again.

"Oh um-," she looks to me and her cheeks go pink, she starts to sign, "why don't you go ahead and go to class, I'll pick you up later."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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