Chapter 2

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Avi opened his eyes, breathing in the cool air of the room, and pushed back the covers to sit up. He rolled his neck slowly, feeling the stiffness in his muscles, then glanced to the side and recognized the person lying next to him. They had met at a bar the night before. Shivering in the cold room, Avi got up and headed to the closet, where he grabbed a shirt and some baggy pants, deliberately ignoring the underwear drawer.

He felt the cool touch of the dark wood floor as he left the bedroom and made his way down the hallway to the kitchen, which was separated from the living room by a single step. He grabbed some frozen bananas and tossed them onto the dark marble countertop, then took a jar of dried dates from the cupboard, a small container of crushed cardamom from the spice rack, and a lemon from the fruit bowl. From the fridge, he pulled out some Greek yogurt and a handful of ice. He set the blender on the counter, added all the ingredients, and mixed until creamy. He poured the smoothie into a tall glass and took two long sips, then filled another glass with the rest of the smoothie before rinsing the blender.

"Avi?" came a husky voice from down the hall.

"In the kitchen," he replied, setting the blender to dry. "Come on in."

He slid the second glass across the counter to his visitor, who was dressed in nothing but a pair of boxers and still looked half-asleep. The guy had messy light hair that fell over his brown eyes, and a slim, slender frame.

"Sorry, but I don't remember your name," Avi said, frowning as he tried to recall.

The guy let out a soft laugh and extended his hand.

"Matteo," he introduced himself. "You were pretty wasted last night, so I'm not surprised."

"Avi," he replied, even though Matteo likely already knew his name.

"Do you even remember what we did last night?" Matteo arched his thick eyebrows, setting his smoothie on the counter as he slowly approached Avi, who was leaning back on the countertop.

"A few flashes," Avi replied with a smirk, his green eyes drifting down to Matteo's lips before meeting his dark gaze again.

"Well..." Matteo sighed as he placed his hand on Avi's abdomen, feeling the muscles tense. "How can I help jog your memory?"

Avi raised an eyebrow and took a sip from his glass, feeling Matteo's fingers slide to the waistband of his pants, tugging lightly to reveal that Avi wasn't wearing anything underneath.

"I have an idea," Matteo whispered, licking his lips.

Avi drained the rest of his drink as he felt the warmth of Matteo's mouth kiss his abdomen.


Mitch checked his phone one last time before getting into Scott's car.

"Sorry, we're not passing by the billboard today," the blond man said as he started the car. "Our route is on the other side of town."

"Don't worry, I saved the photos to my phone. I can have fun with them whenever I want," Mitch replied without missing a beat, hearing Scott's low chuckle. "Do we know who's going to be part of this photoshoot?"

"No clue, just that they're all LGBTQ+," Scott shrugged. "Mark is in it, but his pics are next week."

"Who gets more jealous about this?" Mitch asked, taking a sip of the coffee Scott got him.

"It's a toss-up," Scott replied with a sigh. "We know some of the photos will be sexy, and Mark said he feels better if my shoot is with you."

"Guaranteed to feed the fandom with rumors that we've apparently made up and your relationship is in crisis?" Mitch arched his eyebrows.

FakeBoyfriend: A Perfect MatchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora