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"do you mind if i take the seat beside you?" The guy taller than you inquires, his grin crawling to your bones as the scar on the sides of his lips stretches into a frightening smile.

you shook your head and gestured your hand to invite him in sitting beside you. "Sanzu, please make yourself comfortable" you offered him a smile to which he returned with a gently grab to his pockets before handling you a small brown paper. you quirked your brows, confused." what's this?"

"open 'em" he just tossed his limbs to cross and sprawl his arms around the sofa you and him are sitting in. curiosity got the best of you, so you opened the suspicious paper. 

"SANZU!" you jolt on your feet, the paper he gave you cold on the floor along with it's contents. "WHY WOULD YOU GIVE ME THESE?!" his laughs greeted you, as if the whole situation was much funny and not confusing. "HARUCHIYO!" you hiss, but he just placed his palm to cover his eyes, the lights of the ceiling must've hurt his sight.

"you should've looked at your expression, (Y/N)! God, that was hilarious!" hw stomped his feet on the ground, not holding back his laughs as his voice echoed through the every side of the vicinity.

"Sanzu! how many times do i have to tell you Drugs are not allowed in my home?" you both turned to the flight of steps where Hajime stood facing the two of you.

 "Hi, Man! i didn't bother informing you or your little wife about my visit since i'm not gonna take much of your time, mentioning that it's our Day Off -" Sanzu gazed at you before immediately turning back to Hajime. "-and i don't wanna disturb your time--"

"just state your business, Sanzu" the drug addict lifted both of his arms up to the air before jolting in his seat.

"i'd rather talk this concern to you in private. i wouldn't want your little wifey here to get involved in our business" He winks at you, the tip of his tongue lolling out before sprinting towards your husband and shoving him inside the office next to your shared bedroom.

"i was involved in Bonten the moment i met you guys . . ." you whispered before walking to the porch of your home, planning on taking a sweet whip of air from you garden.

"did something happen? Koko my man was kinda out of the weather today" Haruchiyo ignites the end of his cigarette, eyes darting at the walls cascading the every side of the house.

you hummed, caressing the white petals resting below. "i asked if i could visit Akane's grave" you heard him choke and ruffle the grass behind you.

"Excuse me, WHAT?!" he said between coughs, the smoke lodged in his lungs. He's shooting bullets into the back of your skull. "I just... I don't know? want to see the person my husband is in love with? thank her she died and I inherited her life?" the sarcasm in your voice made the man shiver as you hoisted yourself up and jerked your body to face Sanzu. "or maybe... persuade her to let me replace her in the grave -then maybe, maybe, Hajime would love me too," you cried, realizing that you had just erupted your frustrations to the man. "Excuse me" you muttered as you hurried back to your house, tears streaming down your face.

i just want you to see me as me.

is it that hard of a thing?

You sat on your room's carpeted floor, the air conditioner aimed to your face, holding a book in one hand. You don't understand a word of what you're reading because your mind keeps wandering to him. that monstrous creature.

constantly switching the pages of the book, you did not notice yourself muttering a debate with your own. 

"should i -no. i wouldn't be good if i disturb him in his work -but bit's his day off . . ." your feet tapping the ground immensely, tongue clicking behind the walls of your gritted teeth, eyes narrowed with your brows almost lining with each other. 

Akane's ReplacementOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant