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"Y/N wait!"

"It's L/N to you, Midoriya."

"I'm sorry! I didn't know what I was saying! Y/N-"

"I said it's L/N to you, and you obviously said what you felt. You said you didn't need me anymore, so be it! Goodbye Midoriya."

"Y/N! Listen to me!" I demanded

"Why? You said you didn't need me! I'm just giving you what you want. Now leave me be so I can leave you be!"

"You're the only reason why I live my life, why I don't let Kacchan get to me. I need you more than anything!" I could see she was crying. I could feel tears streaming down my own face. "I've never been more sorry about anything I've said before. I'm so so so sorry, my princess, my angel, my everything!" I was then pulled into a bone-crushing hug. I hugged back with the same amount of force.

"I forgive you. Just... never say anything like that again."

"I promise. I love you so much, my beautiful ray of sunshine."

"I love you too."


I woke up with a bad headache. I got up from the ground, and saw a hole in the wall. Then I smelled perfume, and it wasn't Y/N's. Maybe she invited someone over yesterday? I went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror, and saw lipstick on the collar of my shirt. It wasn't Y/N's shade of (favorite lipstick color). The only thing I could remember was Sh***y Hair inviting me over to a party and taking a drink from a... oh no! It was a red solo cup! That's why I can't remember!!! Then I saw a note on the mirror.

Hope you had fun drinking and cheating! I don't want to see you again, Bakugo. See you never! ~Y/N.

Oh no! This is bad! I took some aspirin, took a shower, and changed my clothes. Then I went to look for Y/N. I could only think of one place she could be: her guardian's house.

I ran to their house and knocked on the door. Her guardian opened the door, then slapped me across the face.

"I deserved that... but I need to see Y/N."

"You mean the Y/N that was scared to death by you punching a hole through the wall, which just so happened to be right next to her head?" My eyes widened at their rhetorical question. "She won't be seeing you if you were the last person on the Earth."

"(Guardian's name), let him in. We would need to speak to each other sometime."

"Fine" They reluctantly let me in to their house. They went into a different room.

"Hey Bakugo. Why are you here?"

"I'm so sorry Y/N-"

"Who said you could call me by that? And, by the way, I found the girl you hit it off with last night. She was completely clueless to the fact that you were in a relationship, and now we're friends!"


"I think you mean L/N."

"Look, I'm sorry! Sh***y Hair-"

"In this house, you will respect my best friends. His name is Kirishima."

"Kirishima invited me to a party and handed me a drink. It was in a red solo cup. It wasn't my fault. I-"

"It's ok."


"You heard me. I don't forgive you, but we'll get through this."

I pulled them into a hug. She reciprocated the action hesitantly. It would take a while, but I'll earn back her trust.


I was such an idiot! I miss her so much. I know I'm not enough for her, but she's the best damn thing that happened to me. I need to get her back. I ran to her bakery, and saw her put some muffins in the oven.



"I'm so sorry! I know I'm not enough for you, but your the best thing that's ever happened to me! I love you so much." I opened my arms, and she leapt into them. We both had tears streaming down our faces.

"I love you too, so much. And I forgive you."


I walked back into the café. The girl looked at me with a worried expression.

"Senpai, it's not what it looks like-"

"Shut it." I bent down to help Y/N. "I hate unmanly things, and bullying in one of them. Obsessive fangirls are another."

"B-but senpai-"

"Y/N is more beautiful than you could ever be. She's more smart, more kind, she's better than you could ever be. She's the love of my life. You're the unmanliest thing I've ever laid my eyes on. Now, stay away from Y/N, or you'll be hearing from the police." The girl ran off crying.

"I'm so sorry Eijiro! She threatened me with killing my (guardian title, like mom). I couldn't let that happen! I'm so sorry!"

"Don't apologize. It's ok. You wanted to protect the ones you love. It's what anyone would do. I would do that to if it meant protecting you." I was then pulled into a well needed hug.

DENKI KAMINARI Inspired by Ayame Daisuke's comment

~Y/N's POV~

I walked into my house when I was met with confetti cannons and balloons and other party stuff.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Y/N!!!" Denki yelled.

"Thanks, Denki."

"Does this mean you forgive me?"

"No. You're still in the doghouse." If he had puppy ears, they would drop. That thought made my giggle.

"What's so funny?!"


2.4 Pages

929 Words

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