Christmas Special (2019)

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"Izu! It's so nice to see you!" Y/N said when I answered the door.

"Hey Y/N! I see you've brought food."

"I didn't want to come empty-handed. I find it a bit rude to."

"My mom has it covered, though..."


"Y/N! You're here!"

"Hi Ms. Midoriya!"

"No need for formalities! Please call me Inko! You brought katsudon! I was already finishing this."

"I know, but I wanted both of you to try my family's special recipe! I know it's Izu's favorite food, and I told him so much about it."

"It's fine, dear. We're happy to have it and you!"

We sat down (if you believe, you prayed. If u don't, ignore this) and started eating. After dinner, we went to the living room. The Christmas tree was up, and Christmas music was playing in the background. There were presents under the tree. Mom sat on the couch, while Y/N and I sat on the floor.

Y/N handed my mom a gift.

"Y/N, you shouldn't have!"

"My parents told me once that it was rather rude to come to someone's house empty-handed, especially on Christmas Day. It's also a gift since you worry about Izu so much, as well as I do. I always sit on the sidelines, while he's doing the heavy-lifting, and we both worry about him. It's something I use to keep me calm, but you're his mother. You need it more than I."

She opened the gift and it was a notebook. I was confused until I saw what I titled it. It was titled 'Reasons Why I Love The Person Who Has This' (long title). My mom started tearing up a little.

"Thank you so much!"

"I was just giving it to the person it truly belonged to" Cue the confusion again. I made it for Y/N.

After the gift opening, I pulled her aside.

"Y/N, I made the notebook for you."

"I know. However, I see you more than she does. She has nothing to cope with! She needs the notebook, Izu. Plus, I've read it over so many times, I could probably rewrite it!"

"W-What?!" My face started heating up.

"I miss you a lot, ok?! But, our parents are having heart attacks every second of every day that we're not home. They don't have a way to help themselves! And when we get home they only get a short break from the worrying! I only wish I had something I could give to console my (guardian title, like 'mom')."

"I didn't know. I'm sorry!"

"It's ok! My friend Blue informed me of this a few weeks ago. Don't worry!"

"Y/N... look up."

She did, then went red at what she saw: there was mistletoe. She looked adorable. I brushed some hair out of her face and drew closer. She did the same. Eventually our lips met in probably the best kiss we've ever shared. My mom squealed in the background, probably procuring a few pictures, but that didn't matter at this moment in time.

When we pulled away, Y/N said, "Merry Christmas, Izu!"

"Merry Christmas, (Y/N)."

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