A fight

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I'm rushing down the stairs, grabbing my jacket and going out. But my mum started yelling after me saying I better come back. I really didn't care, I have to stop Harry from fighting Bryan. He was furious few years ago, and it didn't end well.
After running for five minutes, I finally saw Harry. He doesn't look okay at all.
"Harry stop!! You need to stop, you'll just make the thing worst! I don't want you two to get hurt!"
He didn't even tried to walk. He's still running fast, but I reached for him and made him stop.
"What did you mean when you were saying 'I don't want you two to get hurt'?? Are you crazy?!? He left you over the message and made you cry for days. You didn't even want to talk to your mum, dad and me! He has to learn his lesson not to mess up with me!"
"It's not your business! I can take care of myself, you're not my dad and anybody who can help me with him."-I yelled at him.
"So I'm nothing to you? Who was there for you when your grades were low? Or when you broke up with Shane? I've been here for you when you needed me, Brittany and now you're saying these things.."
I've seen the tears in his eyes and I felt so sorry. I wasn't supposed to say that to him, all he said was totally true, but a loud car broke the silence.
And yeah, guess who's car was that.
Bryan opened the window and started to laugh as he was saying:"Oh Brittany, it didn't last long since we brake up. You've already found someone, and your best friend. You two look so cute. Like shit hahaha never seen so adorable couple."
I knew this isn't going to end well. Harry rushed to his opened window and smashed his fist to Bryans face.
Bryan went out of the car as he started pushing Harry saying that he's a chicken.
"You little piece of shit. You finally got Brittany, ha? Well I knew you've been in love since the start. You acted so jealous and finally you have a chance to fuck her. Good luck with that hahaha"
After that Harry went so mad that his eyes were red as hell and his fist was ready to kick Bryan.
"You moron, I never thought how stupid you can be. I'll kick your ass, you won't know where you are! Nobody can't hurt her, especially you. She's not worth it and if you did something to her I'll kill you I swear to God!"
"Well if rapping her counts.."-Bryan said while he was laying on the ground.
Harry stopped and gave a look at me. I said it didn't happen and I wouldn't let it happen, but he didn't believe me.
He became furious as he hit Bryan again making his nose start bleeding.
"Before you do something to her again, think again cause I can make your life so much worse than today!"-Harry said to him as he reached for my hand.
I've been all this time standing, not being able to scream tho. Harry placed his arm around me and I felt so protected.
"I'm so scared Harry. He won't let you have piece after what you've done to him. His squad will kill you!"
He just started laughing and said:"Oh silly haha the important thing is that you're safe and he won't hurt you. You're the only one I care about."
He walked me to my home and he rang the bell. My dad opened and asked Harry if he wants to come in. Harry first had doubts, but then he refused politely. He said to my dad to keep me safe and that he'll meet me tomorrow at school. I gave him a little look and after that all things have changed..

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