A math exam

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I woke up with the sun shining through the window. It seemed like it's going to be a really nice day except I had to write a math test. I didn't manage to study for it, cause I was too occupied about Brittany.
Oh my God, I totally forgot about her. I opened my eyes realizing I fell asleep in her bed while we were talking about our opinion on relationships. I just remember she said she doesn't want a boyfriend at the moment and I absolutely understand her. Even if she wanted I'm sure that wouldn't be me..I think. She always liked more like popular guys at school who had money and all that.
In the last few weeks I felt different about her. I don't even know what it is, I just know I have to keep her safe and sound and don't let anybody hurt her, especially when it comes to self-harming..
I was looking at her, thinking she's an angel brought to me and I couldn't have asked for a better friend. She was sleeping as her blonde hair was all over her face and her eyes were nicely closed.
If she would only knew how I felt about her now..
She started waking up and I decided to pretend I'm still sleeping.

When I opened my eyes the first thing I could see was Harry. He was still sleeping and I don't remember how we fell asleep. We were just talking about love and I probably fell asleep while he was talking.
His curls were a bit messy and he was sleeping like a baby. I'm just to happy I have a friend like him, even though he doesn't know what I'm feeling for him in the last few weeks.
I suddenly remembered we had a math exam today and we were going to be late if we don't hurry up. It was our final exam and we shouldn't be late.
I started waking up Harry shaking him and yelling we forgot about our exam.
He opened his eyes, but his reaction wasn't nearly as nervous as mine.
"Hello, beutiful. Did you have a good sleep?"as he kissed me on a cheek for a good morning.
I could feel I blushed and because of that I got up fast and started yelling we're gonna fail math at the end of the year.
He seemed he doesn't care about that, cause his parents weren't as strict ad mine. He could hang out till 4 am, if he wanted to...that's probably because he's a boy and he can defend himself on the street.
My parents have already gone to work and I was still screaming Harrys name to come down so we can have a breakfast. I made us two sandwiches and packed them to eat them on our way to school.
He got down for 15 minutes looking like he just got up.
"So Harry what were you doing that long upstairs. I made us sandwiches, went to the bathroom and do some makeup and you still look like a bus crossed over you." I was laughing at the same time, looking how funny actually he looks.
"Well if you ask me, I'm ready to go to school like that. But if you continue laughing at me, you'll get something you hate the most. You know what it is."
I didn't know what was he talking about, honestly....

He acted like she didn't knew what I was talking about so I came behind her and split an egg all over her head.
She didn't even turn around and I though she got mad, but suddenly I felt an orange juice all over my face and body. She ran away upstairs and I was running after her. She got in her bedroom, but I didn't see where she was.
"You should maybe look in the bathroom." I heard her talking behind the closed doors from her bathroom.
I safetly entered it when I felt a big splash of water on myself. I finally reached her and I pushed her against the wall saying she better don't do that again. After that, she burst into laughing looking me right in my eyes. Her arms were wrapped around my waist and my body was pressed to her while she was breathing fast. I could feel her breath on my lips, as my lips were getting closer to hers.
She suddenly looked away and said we should go to school now. She got out from the shower cabin, still looking at me. "You won't stay in that cabin forever, right? Except if you want to take a shower."
I just smiled at her and got out of it. I saw she still had an egg at the top of her head, but she said she'll just wash it up and make a bun.

We finally sat in his car making our way to school. We were singing all the time and acting like nothing special happened before. When we got to school, we decided to be polite to our teacher to let us write a test, cause we were late.
We knocked at the door, begging him he let us in to write a test, but all he said was:
"I politely ask you, Mr. Styles and Mrs. Bare, to get out of the classroom and write a test after your parents come to talk to me.
We went out and I knew I'll be grounded for at least tow months after they hear this...

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