Chapter 12: Just outside of Tokyo

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The Vulture mech flew through the air at astonishing speeds with Miki inside. "You sure about this Carr?" Miki asked while getting used to the controls.
"Yea yea I'm sure. That herd should be around there somewhere-" Carr said.

Just ahead of Miki was a small group of servum dragons. The dragons looked towards the mech speeding towards them, and the servums flew up into the air.

"Well it looks like I got their attention!" Miki said.
"Try giving them a taste of those tank cannons." Carr said through comms.
Miki started pressing the red trigger on the control stick. Cannon rounds launched out of the Vulture mech's arms and made contact with one of the servums, breaking through the metal exoskeleton and blowing up inside the dragon.

"Yes! It works! It works!!" Carr yelled.
Miki had the mech zooming around the servums much faster than any fighter jet ever could. the servums were dropping like flies.

"Woohoo! This thing works like a dream!" Miki yelled. After finishing off the rest of the servums Miki flew the Vulture mech back to the city.

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