Chapter 5

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Lukas POV

Miku told me everything and I had to admit that Kaito was extremely cute. I never thought that he would be that cute but Miku changed my mind. I always wanted them to come together and now I'm really happy that he told her how he feels. I never saw her that happy before. She hugged me multiple times and was about to go crazy.
»Miku? Calm down.« I laughed and she apologized for overreacting.
»I need some distraction. Let's go to the common room.« she laughed and blushed.
»Do you think that's a good idea? I mean Rin and Len will be there... « I said and she shrugged.
»Yes I know... But that's okay. I don't want it to be a secret.« she said with a smile.
»But that won't be distraction...« I laughed.
»I don't care... I'm confused! please let's go« She said and I laughed.
We went to the common room and immediately saw Rin and Len.
»Miku tell me everything! How was you date?« she asked Miku.
»How do you know that we had a date?« Miku asked confused.
»That doesn't matter... So???« she asked and grinned. Miku started blushing.
»Well... We are together.« she said and smiled like an idiot.
»Awww oh my God!!! Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you two!« she squealed and hugged Miku until she was about to choke.
»What did I hear?« Len appeared behind Rin with curious eyes.
»They are together!!!« Rin squealed so loud the whole room heard it. She overreacted again and hugged Len.
»Niiice... That's cool. Congrats.« Len said and smiled at Miku.
We went to the couches and sat down. They forced Miku to tell her everything and Rin squealed multiple times.
»And what about you Luka?« Rin asked me.
»I spent the day in my room...« I said and isn't know what she wanted to hear.
»Alone?« she asked with a smirk. I nodded while I was blushing and she looked disappointed.
»How boring... Why doesn't he has time for you???« she asked with a whiny voice.
»I'm okay with it.« I laughed and she took a deep breath to complain about him but Len interrupted her.
»Better say nothing... He's here.« he said and I smiled.
»Hello Luka.« he whispered into me ear and kissed me.
»Hey.« I responded breathless. He sat down beside me and laid an arm around my waist.
»How was your day?« I asked him.
»I showed IA the town and worked on a project.« he said and yawned. He showed IA the town? Why didn't he tell me before? At least I didn't care but I was a little bit disappointed.
»I read the whole day.« I responded and rested my head on his chest.
»Why is Miku so red?« he asked and laughed.
»She's in a relationship with Kaito.« Len said.
»Oh really? That's nice. Congratulations!« he said and smiled while Miku was blushing.
»Look who's coming there...« Rin smirked and I turned around and saw Kaito accompanied by Gakupo. Kaitos face went red when he saw Miku and so did hers. Kaito went to Miku and gave her a light kiss. He sat down and pulled Miku on his lap.
»Aren't they cute?« Gakupo chuckled and sat down. Rin squealed and agreed. Kaito obviously told him everything but that wasn't a big surprise. He was his best friend and best friends talk about everything that's going on. Kaito blushed a little but looked as happy as Miku.
»You guys can double date now.« Rin said and Yohio started laughing.
»I really like Miku and Kaito but I think we would appreciate more privacy.« he said and Gakupo grinned in a dirty way.
»That wasn't meant like that!« I said and blushed for no reason. Rin and Len started giggling hysterically and I wanted to punch Yohio for this comment.
»I hate you.« I whispered and he chuckled.
»No you don't.« he said and played with my hair.
»Wow there is too much love in this room!« Rin sighed and Len chuckled.
»Please don't stick together all the time when we're at our place.« Len said and Yohio laughed.
»I won't join you remember? So there's just one couple.« he said and laughed.
»I don't know if this is positive or negative...« Gakupo said.
»Why should it be positive?« I asked him a bit confused.
»Don't listen to him.« Yohio said and kissed my head. I didn't want him to leave me alone for two weaks. He might be often busy but I really loved him and didn't want to lose him.
»Do you really need to go?« I asked him with tears in my eyes.
»Yes I need to go. Come on don't cry. Two tweaks aren't that long and I'll be back as soon as possible.« he said and stroke my cheek. I sighed and pushed my depressing thoughts away.
»Luka you don't need to be sad. We will have fun together. We can distract you. You won't feel alone at all.« Miku said with a soft voice and I smiled because her words helped me a little bit.
»Imagine Karaoke nights! We have a whole Villa for ourselves! This will be so great!« Rin said in a dreamy voice and I started laughing. I loved their optimistic way of thinking and was really thankful for it.
»Guys? Guess what our drama class is planning for this year!« I heard Gumi's voice behind me.
»Romeo and Juliet!« Len guessed
»Noo you fool we already did this!« she laughed. »They want to do a musical!«
»Really?« Kaito asked and Gumi nodded.
»And which one?« Miku asked her and she shrugged.
»I don't know Mrs Yamato said we will decide it in our next lesson.«
»I don't know if this is positive or negative.« Gakupo repeated his sentence from before and smirked.
»I'm happy that I didn't choose drama class.« Yohio laughed. He never liked acting in front of a crowd. And singing would be a nightmare for him.
»But you know what? In about two weeks our holidays will start. No studying for two weeks!« Len sighed.
»Oh God please don't drink too much...« Yohio laughed and probably remembered the twins when they were drunk.
»You won't join us so I don't care.« Gakupo said with a grin.
»Gakupo can't you just shut your mouth for a second? You're annoying as hell!« I murmured and he chuckled. Yohio was probably about to get angry and even though I didn't like Gakupo I also didn't want him to get in trouble with my boyfriend so this was more like a warning.
»Uhmm... I don't know if I'm stupid but I missed something right?« Gumi asked us and looked to Miku and Kaito.
»Oh yeah sorry... We are a couple right now.« Miku said and slightly blushed. Gumi's face lightened up and I knew she secretly wanted to scream and hug Miku.
»This... this is so CUTE! oh my God I'm sorry. Congratulations!« she said with a heartwarming smile.
»Len I'm hungry...« Rin said randomly and put a hand on her grumbling stomach.
»What time is it?« he asked her.
»Half past eight....« she said and sighed.
»Wait... you didn't eat anything?« I asked them and they shook their head.
»You guys must be crazy ... But I'm also hungry ... But for other reasons...« she said and I totally forgot that she didn't eat something after her date with Kaito.
»Do you have money? We could order a pizza.« Rin suggested. To my surprise Miku agreed. She was probably too lazy to cook something. Len called the pizza service and ordered thred pizzas.
»Pizza will be there in 30 minutes.« he said smiling after he hung up.
»Did you eat?« Miku asked Kaito and he nodded.
»Yes Gakupo cooked for us.« he said and laughed.
»I'm a fantastic cook!« he said proud and grinned. Maybe he really was.
The pizza only needed 20 minutes to arrive. Miku handed Len some money and he went outside to take the pizzas. He came back with three cartons and it smelled like heaven.
They cut the pizza in a dre slices and started eating. All of them sighed after the first bite.
»I love pizza.« Rin said with a full mouth and continued eating. Miku seemed to be really hungry but that was no surprise. She had an exciting day and was probably really tired. She ate the whole pizza and looked extremely satisfied after finishing it.
»I've never felt so good before!« she sighed and closed her eyes.
We spent another two hours in the common room and then went to our room. The hallways was empty and we had to be quite because most of the students were already sleeping. We quietly entered our room and Miku laid down on her bed.
»I will shower in the morning. I just want to sleep right now.« she mumbled inside her pillow and I chuckled. We went to the bathroom and brushed our teeth. After that I got changed and jumped into my bed.
»Good night Miku.« I whispered and turned off the light but she was already asleep.

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