Chapter 6

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Here is an update :D and happy Easter to all of you!

Gakupos POV

My alarm clock didn't need to wake me up because I was already awake. I looked over to Kaito and noticed that he was still asleep. I yawned and crawled out of my bed and went into the bathroom. It was time for a morning shower. I stepped into the shower and started to relax under the hot water. I washed my hair and body with soap and stayed a little longer in the shower than usual because I had plenty of time. I wrapped a towel around my waist and dried my hair with another one. After dressing myself and brushing my hair I started to dry it with a hair blower and tied it into a ponytail. This woke Kaito up because he was making some breakfast as I left the bathroom.

»Good morning...« he yawned and scratched his head.

»Good morning... You'll have to hurry...« I grinned and he sighed.

»Let me finish this.« he pointed at his cereals and started to eat faster. I sat down at the table and ate some cereals too. Kaito finished his breakfest and jumped under the shower. He need to be fast.... I made some lunch for and and put his bento in his school bag.

10 minutes before school started Kaito was ready and we walked to our first lesson. His hair was still wet but he was used to style it in the break.

We entered the room just seconds before the lesson started and sat down. Miku turned around and gave Kaito a bright smile. He smiled back and kind of looked like an idiot. Luka also turned around but she asked Miku if she planned to sit like that for the whole lesson. She gave me a quick look and then turned around. I have to admit that Luka was the most beautiful girl i've ever seen. I was totally fine with her having a boyfriend but I wasn't fine with the way he used to treat her. Miku told Kaito how sad Luka looked as Yohio said he spent his day with IA. Okay they know each other for years but I think Luka feels a little bit forgotten.

I sighed and tried to focus on the lesson but it was really boring so I just pretend that I was paying attention. I wrote some random stuff down and answered about two questions the teacher asked. I was praying for holidays but at least there was a soon weekend. I started sketching something because I was really bored and waited until the lesson was over. The bell rang and Kaito went to the bathroom probably for doing his hair.

»He didn't want to get up so he has to do his hair now.« I explained to a frowning Miku.

»Oh such a sleepyhead! Luka is one too!« she giggled and earned a death glare from Luka.

»I just think sleep is precious.« she said and shrugged while Miku started giggling even harder.

»You think you don't need sleep. That's the point. Luka is full of caffeine, books and tuna.«

»I noticed that she's drinking a lot of coffee... But that's fine.« I said and Luka sighed. She seemed to be tired of comments like these so I decided to shut my mouth.

»Oh my god I'm so bored of school! Do you think that the twins will give a party this weekend?« Miku asked me and I shrugged.

»They always do so... probably yes.« I said and she smiled.

»Great! I really have to get rid of the stress.« She said and turned to Luka.

»You will come with me right?« she asked her and her eyes widened.

»No no no no no... I will read a book and stay in our room. I'm not in the mood for a party.« she said and gave her a light smile.

»Oh Luka! Don't be such a spoilsport! You can't stay in our room all the time. That's boring!« Miku complained and poked her.

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