chapter four

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As Dewey was driving the three to stu's party not knowing Gale weathers was following them

Dewey: all right you guys have fun
But not too much fun or I'll bust you

(As sidney Tatum and Jake are getting out of Dewey's cop car )

Dewey: Jake

(As Jake walks back to Dewey)

Jake: yeah

Dewey: keep an eye on sidney in there okay

Jake: of course we'll see you later Dewey

Dewey: bye

(As the three of them walk into stu's house as there were already a bunch of kids from school as stu and another guy was chugging beer through a tube as later Randy was asking people what video to put on)

Randy: how Manny for evil dead

(As teens cheered)

Jake: how Manny for hellraiser

(As sidney was on the couch look at the other videos Jake brought)

Sidney: terror train prom night how come Jamie lee Curtis is in almost all of these

Randy: she is the scream queen

Stu: man with a set of lungs like that she should be yeah

Tatum: tits see

(As the door bell ringed)

Stu: I'll get it (asks Tatum) grab me another beer would you

Tatum:what am I The beer winch

Stu: you are not gonna believe who's here it's that chick from top story

Randy: Gale weathers

(As Dewey and Gale came in )

Tatum: Dewey Dewey (As Dewey walked up to his sister) what is she doing here

Dewey: she's with me (saying it excited)
I'm just checking things out

Tatum: so you did now leave and take your medium out

(As Dewey went to sidney and Jake)

Dewey: hey

Sidney: hey

Jake: hi

Sidney: so did you find my father

Dewey: I'm afraid not

Sidney: should I be worried

Jake: no of course not right Dewey

Dewey: yeah exactly I mean not yet

Later after some people decided to go home As sidney and Jake were calling for Tatum but not finding her

Sidney: Tatum come on! (They walk over to stu ) do you know where she is

Stu: no I haven't seen her

(As Billy shows up at the door)

Sidney: Billy hey

Stu: Billy what are you doing here

Billy: I came to talk to sid alone

Sidney: you know if Tatum sees you here she'd draw blood

Jake: yeah probably

Stu: tell you what why don't you two go to my parents bedroom you know you guys can talk or whatever

Billy: subtlety stu you should look it up

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