chapter two

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As they took Derek to the hospital for his arm as the officers were questioning students as mickey sat next to sidney and Jake as Jake had his arm around sidney in comfort

Mickey: hey how are you guys are you alright

Jake: nope

Sidney: not at all you know I knew this was coming I knew this wasn't over

Mickey: your both are not alone guys
Okay we are all here for you both all right whatever you need

Jake: that poor girl

Mickey: I know it's crazy but

Sidney: Derek could've been killed you know

Mickey: but he wasn't he's fine he just needs to realize the 90s is no time to play hero why would anyone go back to that house anyway

Cut to Derek getting patched up and explaining to officers and Dewey why he ran back to sidney and Jake

Derek: I was leaving the party when I heard screaming I ran towards the back and I bumped into sidney and Jake and they said the killer was in the house so I went in to try and corner him but he surprised me from behind and slashed my arm then ran off
(As he grunts in pain as the nurse finished)

Nurse: you're lucky there's no nerve damage you're gonna have to take it easy though

Chief Hartley: so then you went back inside the house

Derek: yeah

Officer: no struggle he just cut you and ran away you're lucky he didn't kill you

Dewey: yeah it's awfully convenient

Derek: say what

Dewey: nothing it's just a shame he got away so easily

Derek: it's just a shame you got there too late right after he disappeared

Dewey: yeah it is

Cut to the next day as Chief Hartley put two detectives to watch sidney and Jake as they both walk down the campus together

Jake: so just got done talking to Dewey
He said there is a connection between the three murdered people

Sidney: okay what is it

Jake: well the couple who were killed in the theater Phil Stevens Maureen Evans Stevens as in Steven Orth

Sidney: okay and Maureen Evans as in my mother Maureen Prescott

Jake: yeah and the girl who was killed last night name was Casey Cooper
As Casey Becker

Sidney: oh shit

Jake: yep this motherfucker is copying Billy and stu

(As sidney grabbed Jake and kissed him )

Jake: what was that for not that I'm complaining

Sidney: thank you for always sticking by me though everything

Jake: of course sid I love you

Sidney: I love you too

Jake: there's something I want to give you

(As he takes something out of his pocket and shows her a heart shaped necklace with a picture of them from their first date at a dinner after what happened at stu's house)

Sidney: oh my God Jake it's beautiful I love it put on me

(As he puts it on her)

Jake: how about we go get lunch

Sidney: I love that

As the two got up and met up with Hallie Mickey and Derek in the cafeteria later sidney was practicing for play as she thought she saw ghost as one of the extras as Jake came up to her and calmed her down then after that they both were in the library on the computer as sidney's computer got a threatening massage as the two detectives went to see which computer sent it as sidney and Jake were surprised by cotton who wanted to talk to them

Cotton: psst! Sidney Jake you both okay

Sidney: cotton

Jake: cotton

Cotton: can we talk for a sec

Sidney: um this this isn't a good time

Jake: yeah it really isn't

Cotton: (scoffs) come on sid you sent me to prison I did over a year for you
You both can give me two minutes

Sidney: cotton I'm sorry everyday I'm sorry I don't know how to apologize anymore

Cotton: don't be sorry sorry schmarry sid I have the solution to all our problems

Jake: what what the hell are you talking about

Cotton: first of all forget Gale weathers
She doesn't get it she doesn't see the story she wouldn't see the story if it smacked her in the side of the head
I mean have either of you read her book which brings me to my point
Who calls me out of the blue but Diane sawyer believe me I was as shocked as you are she tells me that if you and Jake and I go on air together she will give us the entire hour

Sidney: what

Cotton: we're talking prime time sid
You Jake me and Diane Sawyer

Sidney: cotton we can't

Cotton: no no guys look if this is about money it's not like we're not getting paid there's $10,000 each not to mention what I've got going on the side with the 900 number

Jake: cotton

Cotton: I know I know I know you both don't like the press I know that and I respect it but but Sidney (chuckles) it's Diane sawyer hello
She's a class act sidney Jake this could be some very very heavy exposure

(As he put his hands on her shoulders as sidney and Jake gave him a death glare as he takes his hands off)

Cotton: I'm sorry (chuckles)

Sidney: look between the movie and the book people know the truth let's get on with our lives there's been enough exposure

Jake: yeah and why would you want any more

(As they try to leave as Cotton blocked them)

Cotton: why i Don't know sidney's Jake
I don't know uh maybe because I fucking deserve a little exposure (laughs) I mean come on sidney I mean you dragged my name through the mud everybody thinks I'm some kind of psycho killer (As he keeps getting closer to them) and all I'm asking for is one fucking Diane sawyer interview to maybe get my side of the story straight now I don't think I'm being unreasonable in that request
Do you or you Jake honestly

Sidney: I'm sorry Cotton but no

Cotton: you're sorry yeah I bet you're real sorry sidney (As sidney and Jake tries to leave as Cotton grabs sidney's arm ) such a good angle sidney loveable and fucked up sidney Prescott!

Jake: let her go Cotton or I'll give you a fucking black eye see what would Diane sawyer think

(As sidney got out of Cotton's grip as Jake is holding sidney as they both walk back into the library as Cotton follows them)

Cotton: everybody's favorite little victim! Now dragging her little boyfriend down with her

(As Jake punches Cotton in the nose as the two detectives arrest Cotton)

Cotton: ow! What are you doing he assaulted me relax!

Detective 1#: put your hands on top of your head!

Detective 2#: shut the fuck up!

Cotton: Jesus! I'm not Billy loomis!
They killed him remember! He's dead!

As they took Cotton to the station as sidney and Jake went as Dewey told them Randy's dead the killer got him

This is the end of chapter two
Let me know what you guys think in the comments and hope you guys enjoy the story so far

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