read this if you want its just a reminder<3 (id read it if you feel sad)

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hi i normally wouldn't do anything like this but um i've noticed people have been sadder then usual and stuff like that so um this is just a reminder,

you may not know me personally and I'm just some stranger on the internet but i do care for you and i am so happy you where born:) you've changed so many life's even tho you may not know it but you have <3 every thing you do has a impact on this world and your future and if times are hard rn just know it will get better and that there's someone who loves you so much they would do anything for you. Soon your 18th birthday will come and you'll be able to go start your own life and do whatever you want:) (unless you've already done that) but ilysm and you matter to do many people<3

this may have been something stupid but it's really just for whoever really needs it :)

here are some ways to vent/get rid of stress
-write your feelings on a price of paper and set it on fire/put it in water and ball it up
-text a close friend who your close to
-make a note on your phone and write al your feelings down on there
-listen to music
-talk to somebody
-play video games/do something on your phone to get your mind off things
-make/get a journal and write down everything that has happened/is happening to you and then throw it away when it is fully filled
-light a candle
-chew gum
-spend time with family/friends
-play with your pet
-deep breaths
-go in your room lay on your bed and cry or think
-create art
that's all i can really think of ily<3

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